One of the primary causes of cramping while exerting oneself  is the depletion of electrolytes.  Not only is it so very important to stay hydrated, especially during physical activity, but it’s just as important to insure the proper electrolyte replenishment.

When we’re active, as in walking, hiking or working out, a lot of water and electrolytes are expelled through our sweat.  One can have serious problems if they become completely dehydrated so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to maintain hydration while being physical.  Also, there are numerous energy drinks on the market today that actually target electrolyte replenishment.  You would be well advised to utilize one these particularly toward the end of any lengthy physical exertion.  From my experience, none of these electrolyte sustaining products are nearly as effective as H3O from Herbalife. Give it a try, and stay replenished!


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