Category Archives of : Energy Fitness

Why Krill Oil?

Highly agreed among experts, we all need omega 3 benefits from our diet.  We do not make them in our bodies naturally so we must get them from the food we eat.  The most known source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids is from fish oils. However, now the most concentrated content of omega 3’s […]

Niteworks And Exercise

Looking further into the arginine, nitric oxide connection, studies have shown that they are definitely a connected part of the same process for growth hormone and circulation booster in the body.  It’s been said that agrnine is a precursor to nitric oxide.  Yet, some researches have said that the body has different ways of degrading […]

Joint Food

If you’re worried you might have too much fat in your diet, remember there are some good fats.  Scientific testing has shown omega 3 fatty acids actually reduce inflammation in joints.  Effective reduction in joint inflammation can result from eating foods like salmon, mackerel and trout.  Flaxseed and olive oil can also be added to […]

Recuperate Naturally!

Here’s an interesting little tidbit: Did you know that the term muscle relaxant refers to two major therapeutic groups in medicine?  First of all a muscle relaxant is considered a drug that affects skeletal muscle function and decreases muscle tone.  The two groups of relaxers are neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics. You’d only want a neuromusclar […]

Guarana Preferance!

A word to the wise, it’s long ago been determined that supplements containing ephedra can be risky in terms of cardiovascular health.  So the smart thing to do is to find an organic supplement that is ephedra free.  The most common use for such supplements is, of course, for an energy boost during weight loss.  […]