Category Archives of : Targeted Nutrition

Maintain The Mechanism!

You know how a machine, or any mechanism really, is claimed to have a “weakest link”?  Well, a general consensus is that the weakest link in the human body is probably the joints and surrounding areas.  As with most mechanisms, maintenance  can really pay off in terms of extending the length of time it runs […]

Renewal Of Tradition!

Did you know that the compound drugs used in medical pain relievers actually cut off the impulses from the nerves sent to the brain signaling pain?  For me, these are just a little bit “over-kill” if you’re simply needing to relax or get a pulled or strained muscle group to release and recuperate. A lot […]

A Miracle Fruit!

A wonder of the Amazonian rain forests, the seeds of the guarana plant have been widely known for their energy boosting properties for centuries.  By this time in history, the Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola companies have even developed carbonated energy drinks that are available on the market today! However, highly traditionally, these seeds have […]

All One Physical Regimen

Well, as has been acknowledged so many times again and again, physical activity is really necessary as part of a weight loss or diet program.  Usually, one undertakes this kind of program to manage their weight or to simply get in shape.  Either way, burning calories is a crucial part of the process.  To burn […]

We Want More!

Sadly, studies have shown that only thirty-five percent of boys and only fourteen percent of girls get the full recommended daily amount of calcium in their diet.  Calcium is extremely important for growing bodies as are all the daily required vitamins and minerals to insure healthy development. An excellent way to enhance young peoples nutritional […]