Monthly Archives of : April, 2010

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fourteen)

Thinking about the importance of physical activity got me remembering about the cramps I used to get after running.  I asked the doctor about that and she told me I needed to make sure I had enough electrolytes in my system. She was proud of me for exercising but warned that I needed to stay […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirteen)

Considering and investigating all elements of my diet herbalife program has led me to taking some time to examine the overall elements of this legitimate weight management regimen.  And in order for this program to be genuinely effective, besides being attentive to good cellular nutrition, we must also make sure not to allow a lack […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twelve)

Digestion is defined as the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food into smaller components, a break down of larger food molecules into smaller ones for absorption, for instance into the blood stream. We’re all aware that some foods go down easier than others, and that during digestion, some foods cause different reactions in each […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part eleven)

With the nineteenth century came the discovery of amino acids.  French chemists, Pierre Jean Robiquet and Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin managed to isolate the compound asparagine from asparagus as early as 1806.  This was the first amino acid discovered. Amino acids are supplied by protein which is one of the six nutrient categories the body needs. Amino […]

What is Guarana?

Guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon basin, and extremely common in Brazil. The plant has large leaves, clusters of flowers, and produces a fruit about the size of a coffee berry. Inside each fruit is one seed that contains approximately five times as much caffeine as a coffee bean. The use of […]