Monthly Archives of : July, 2010

Keep Your Sweet Heart Healthy!

Your healthy heart depends a great deal on good blood pressure and circulation.  A good way to keep the blood pumping is to be disciplined about physical activity.  One of the prominent causes for heart disease and obesity is a lack of physical activity.  Please keep your physical activity appropriate to your age and present […]

Preventing The Big One!

While many of the same heart disease risks such as smoking, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure and poor nutrition exist for both men and women, women on birth control have a unique set of challenges especially if they happen to smoke, have diabetes or high blood pressure.  In fact, heart disease is the number […]

Stay Loose!

Like the mechanics of a automobile, our skeletal system needs good lubricants to stay loose in the joints!  After many studies, it’s been found that the body actually synthesizes lubricants and shock absorbing mechanisms.  This process  is specifically and absolutely necessary for the maintenance and restoration of good joint performance health.  A major building element […]

Let’s Just Relax!

Pain relievers and muscle relaxers have a long history.  Essentially, the extreme muscle relaxants are used to cause a kind of paralysis.  They are neuromuscular blockers that are often used for emergency medicine and in surgical procedures.  Obviously, these are something we would best come across only under a doctor’s care. The more commonly used […]

Need An Energizer Bunny?

The first energy drink probably came from the Amazon in the form of guarana seeds.  They were probably ground into dough and made into little energy cakes that were eaten or dissolved into hot water for natural energy drinks.  The natural caffeine contained in guarana is called guaranine.  It’s different than the caffeine in the […]