Monthly Archives of : August, 2010

So Popular!

Let’s face it!  One of the most popular herbs on the market for years is aloe vera.  Did you know there are about four hundred aloe species and it’s been used for literally thousands of years?  Why is it so popular?  Well, my theory is that it’s because aloe vera, which means “true aloe”, is […]

Staying Immune?

In the old Chinese herbal traditional medicine, the schizandra berry was used as a tonic for the liver, and therefore believed to have regenerative and immune system supporting properties.  Using schizandra was thought to be building “wei-chi”, a defense for resisting infection. A practice of chewing schizandra berries for one hundred days is believed by […]

The Thrill Of Krill!

A relatively new source of omega 3 fatty acids comes from the antarctic krill.  There are claims that krill oil is a superior, more concentrated source of omega 3, contains the powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin, plus it is not as susceptible to contamination as fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are a polyunsaturated fat considered essential for […]

Try The Fish Oil!

As early as the 30’s, omega 3 fatty acids have had the scientific proof of being important for normal growth and health.  Since the newer, more purified omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, arrived on the nutritional scene, awareness of omega 3 benefits has dramatically increased. Benefits of DHA and EPA omega 3 are […]

Real Cardio Support!

For improved circulatory, immune and nervous system functions, Herbalife Niteworks, developed by Nobel Laureate Dr. Lou Ignarro, provides a source of L-arginine and L-citrulline.  These amino acids trigger the body to produce and recycle nitric oxide, which in turn aids in the prevention of heart and circulatory diseases. The primary functions of herbalife niteworks are […]