Yearly Archives of : 2010

Work Up A Good Sweat!

When you’re physically active, a lot of good things happen for your body and health.  And, believe or not, you simply feel better which inspires a better outlook and experience on life itself. Remember, however, while you are expelling toxins, you’re also expelling fluids when working out or being active physically.  Make certain not to […]

Just Like Candy!

While on the subject of optimum daily required minerals and vitamins, and keeping nutrition interesting for the young ones amongst us,  bare in mind kids just happen to like things like candy!  With that in mind, herbalife has created a truly fun vitamin complex called MultiVites that kids just love because they are so fun! […]

Kids On The Go!

When considering the importance of physical activity, think of how active the young people in your life seem to constantly be.  That’s right, mobility and flexibility seem to accompany youth.  And therefore, yes, being physically active will help you stay more youthful.  But lets consider those young people for a moment.  They just naturally want […]

Do The Right Thing!

Often when we’re trying to do the “right thing” about our diet, we find ourselves needing a little extra support to accomplish that diet or end up causing some digestive problems.  For instance, did you know that many of us have trouble digesting protein.  Yes, and when low carb meal replacements with good protein are […]

Keep Control!

Speaking of working out to help with weight management, just know that physical activity of any kind is good for your body as well as good for the soul!  And, when you’re using activity to keep up the metabolism and process weight loss, it can help to make sure you’re giving yourself every advantage like […]