Among the sports activities I like to do is play tennis.  The reason I like it is that it’s an “all encompassing” sport.  By that I mean you not only get a great work out with all the running, but you have to really concentrate.  Your hand/eye coordination is critical and you have to have a strategy too.  And, unless you’re playing doubles, it’s all up to you!  Yet even with doubles, you’ve got to perform your part.

There’s an ancient Amazonian seed from which an energy drink can be made that I just love to take before a match.  It’s a gentle, yet zesty and uplifting herb that naturally boosts sustained energy and mental alertness.  It comes from the guarana seed and is called N-R-G.  It makes a great tea and it also comes in the form of guarana energy pills as well.  N-R-G can really put you into focus when you need to perform!

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