A word to the wise, it’s long ago been determined that supplements containing ephedra can be risky in terms of cardiovascular health.  So the smart thing to do is to find an organic supplement that is ephedra free.  The most common use for such supplements is, of course, for an energy boost during weight loss.  And, yes, it did prove to be somewhat effective, but again with ephedra, risky.

The ancient Amazonian actually had an energy drink made from the seed of the guarana plant.  It’s ephedra free yet boosts energy like crazy.  But the really crazy thing about it is that while it contains almost twice the natural caffeine as the coffee bean, it somehow is more easily absorbed, without the “jitters”!  I have never been able to tolerate coffee without the nervous, hyper reaction that often accompanies it.  Yet, I use guarana on a daily basis.  You may want to give guarana tea or guarana energy pills a try, it sure works for me!

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