Have you ever been doing an exerting activity, like working out or playing a physical game, and suddenly had inexplicable contractions or cramps in your muscles?  If you are at all active you’ve probably come up against this kind of phenomenon at least once in your life.  A lot of people don’t realize that’s usually caused by a depletion of electrolytes.

In extreme cases, like complete dehydration, loss of electrolytes can cause neurological or even cardiac complications that will bring on a full out medical emergency if not resolved immediately.  But we’re not likely to face that type of catastrophic emergency.  Yet, the cramps and uncontrollable muscle contractions can be quite common if we don’t pay attention to our electrolyte replenishment.  That’s why, if you’re engaged in physical activity or working out, you need to drink plenty of water and find a good sports energy drink that will replace the electrolytes you lose through perspiration. Believe me, your muscles are happiest when your body is well hydrated!

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