My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-nine)
According to today’s science, for humans, nutrition is essentially defined as the seven different substances required for sustenance of life in the human body. Those substances are: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water. This is fairly common knowledge. But what hasn’t seemed to find common ground, is our thinking about nutrition and what keeps us healthy, even more so, the habits with which we approach nutrition, health and life sustenance. For instance, contrary to popular belief, whatever makes us feel full is not necessarily the most nutritious food we can ingest. And, unlimited amounts of food eaten at any given time is not the best way to go either!
To manage one’s health, one must manage his body, and bodily functions. A big part of that is managing the amount of weight one carries. And when it comes to weight management, efficient nutrition is the key! Often, to bring one’s over-all weight into healthy balance with height and age, one must bring their over-all metabolism (or functionality) into efficiency. This implies that it’s best to gain maximum nutrition from whatever you digest without gaining unwanted weight. Often such things as low carb meal replacements can be very helpful for good healthy energy while managing weight. Their are numerous meal replacements on the market today. Make sure you get one that not only feeds the cells the daily required nutrients, but can sustain your energy without unnecessary calories!
That’s right! In many instances, weight loss is the needed program!
more on this tomorrow….                                 TurboSlim
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