There’s only two reasons people come to this page! Either they are seeking more information about our alternative herbal health products, or they are wondering if Herbalife products can be the focus of a successful home based business.


Well the answer to both your questions is YES!

These products really do work, and have for millions of people.  And when you budget in the number of meals you can replace by staying healthy, you really can save money on groceries and healthy nutrition which means you’re cutting health costs!

So, since these supplements are something you’d be very wise to take, obviously the products are something you can stand by and be proud of to represent.  And, let’s face it, with the challenging economy, the largest group of our population, the baby-boomers, retiring, budgeted optimal nutrition is at a premium where health is concerned.  So there is an enormous market.

It’s important, however to realize if you may just be interested in health, and not in the health business.  While the products are great for everyone of all ages, the business may not be.  So it’s important to look inside and find
out what you’re truly looking for.













Now, there are numerous ways of starting up an Herbalife home based
business and therefore there’s really only one good choice when it comes to taking action:  TALK TO US!! You will be given straight and honest information, and will have access to answers for all questions.  And with Herbal Wise this service is FREE! You won’t be asked to make any unnecessary purchases of any kind and you’ll be given fair opinions with honest advice!

Email:    [email protected]
Phone:    (888) 223-6865 – toll free
Phone:    (310) 822-7127 – Roger/or team member-direct