From A Chubby Bunny To A Skinny Minny

Losing weight is a dream of almost everyone.  It is very tempting to pick from a host of weight loss supplements from drugstores and just as easily pop one into our mouths. They come as pills, drinks that contain fibers or beverages in the form of tea. Each claims to burn fat and shed pounds. And to complement that, there is an endless supply of information on how you can turn from a chubby to a skinny.

But how safe are these products? If you choose to augment your exercise and diet regimen, it’s critical to choose a company with a safe, proven line of products, such as Herbalife. People understand that proper weight loss should come from diet and exercise. It involves lifestyle modification in a very real sense. But that is hard work that is easily sidelined by the urge to just pop the pill.

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Mask Of Vitamins

With our environmental conditions come many toxins and dirt in the air.  It’s important that we not only protect our skin from the suns ray with a good SPF lotion, but that we take a little time to extract the impurities that actually get into our skin.  This way our skin will be revitalized and look as youthful as you can be!

The herbalife nourifusion multivitamin moisture mask has become very popular for doing just that.  Infused with vitamins A, C and E, this whipped mask removes skin dulling impurities and fights the dehydrating effects of pollution, climate, smoking, diet and aging!  Revitalize your skin with a moisture mask as often as you can!

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Don’t Allow Troubled Skin!

Did you know that skin cells have about a thirty day journey before they die?  That’s about how long it takes for a new skin cell to migrate to the skin surface where they become more acidic and eventually die.  This natural aging process can give skin a dry or rough looking exterior.

Exfoliation removes that rough outer layer of skin and reveals the newer, more youthful looking skin cells.  All the members of my team us the body buffing scrub herbalife produces.  They like how it feels with the use of jojoba beads that makes their skin feel renewed and smooth.  The body contouring creme is also a good natural follow up for areas of troubled or dimpled skin!


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Revealing Your Youngest!

Found especially in the connective tissues and flesh of mammals, collagen is a group of naturally occurring proteins.  In fact it’s the most abundant protein in mammals.  Collagen is mostly found as part of fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments and skin.

Since we humans are also classified as mammals, collagen is obviously a very important part of the make up of our body, the largest organ of which is our skin!  The glucosamine complex herbalife formulates into anti aging skincare products actually promotes the production of more collagen for our skin.  The result is a cream that helps smooth lines and wrinkles to reveal our youngest looking skin!

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Cleanse, Moisturize, Revitalize!

Did you know that traveling can dry out your skin?  It’s true.  During a plane flight you’re sitting in an enclosed space with recycled air that is not only drying out your skin, but circulating the same dirt.  This is a classic time to cleanse, moisturize and revitalize.

Not only is it very important that you wash thoroughly, but use a good moisturizing cream to replenish for the rest of the day.  The herbalife skin activator day lotion SPF 15 is excellent for just this occasion.  Not only does it contain collagen building glucosamine complex which aids skin hydration and firmness, but it will protect your skin from sun ray damage for the rest of your day!  When you reflect on your travels, are there particular times you should cleanse, moisturize and revitalize?

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