Stay Young Looking!

You know, watching young people these days, it seems each generation grows up faster and faster!  Maybe it’s just me, but it seems there’s such an emphasis on beauty and how you look that young people don’t really get to take the time to savor their youth.

With that in mind, if you are one of those fast growing young people, here’s a very grown up thing you should do no matter what age.  Start protecting your look with a good anti aging skincare cream with SPF everyday.  It’s interesting that as fast as our young grow up these days, many of them wait till their later years to start moisturizing or using uva/uvb sun ray protection.  This is something you should start when you are young so you can stay looking young as long as you can!

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Are You Skin Clogging?

If you’re like me and like to do some kind of physical activity to stay fit and healthy, then of course you probably work out.  Do you hang out in your sweats after you finish?  Do you run errands afterwords?

Physical activity is vital to good health, so good for us in so many ways, including so good for the skin!  It increases blood flow, and, it expels toxins.  Toxins that will clog your pores and damage the good work you’ve done if left on your cloths next to your skin!  Best to get out of these sweats and cleanse, moisturize and revitalize that skin.  And there are plenty good anti aging herbalife beauty products you can use to replenish and protect your youthful skin.  Don’t let your skin get all clogged up!

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Magic Aloe!

Aloe vera juice comes from the evaporation of the fluids collected after simply cutting its leaves.  Such a simple process for a juice that is really super complex!  The benefits of aloe vera juice are numerous and growing as we discover them.  And most of these benefits are essential to our bodies!

Did you know that aloe vera is loaded with nutrients?  It contains vitamins A, B1, B6, C, E and seven others and more than twenty minerals.  Considered an elixir by many, it’s know for abilities to protect the digestive system, cleanse the liver, produce positive effects on the female reproductive system and menstrual cycle, and it can be cosmetically healing to the skin.  This plant is magical!

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Free Radical, Good And Bad!

Did you know that free radicals not only do damage, but sometimes the damage is needed so they’re actually necessary?  In fact, free radicals perform some functions that are necessary for life!  They can kill unwanted bacteria at a cellular level.

And, yes, sadly these same free radicals, highly reactive chemically, also take part in side reactions that cause cell damage.  In fact, it’s believed that numerous forms of cancer are caused by reactions involving DNA and free radicals. One of the best know protections against free radical damage is the use of antioxidants like those found in the schiazndra berry.  It just so happens that herbalife has created a wonderful immune support supplement that contains schizandra berry and seed extract, together with selenium and the vitamins E and C.  Very powerful immune support!

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Ah, The Mighty Krill!

While there are about eighty-five species of krill,  it’s the Antarctic krill from the southern polar oceans that has become predominantly used for it’s krill oil.  Pure Neptune Krill Oil is extracted from these small sea creatures using a superior cold vacuum process.

Rich in omega 3 benefits, krill oil is known to help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels for cardiovascular health.  The oil of these little creatures also provides giant benefits for the protection of cell membranes and the flexibility of joints.  Pretty mighty for a shrimpy critter!


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