Relax Those Muscles!

Sometimes, after you’ve rallied to get back on a physical activity regimen, there can be some sore muscles to deal with. It’s really a very common occurance to feel sore after physical exertion, and once in a while, there can be a muscle pull or strain.  This is when it’s time to find effective, natural muscle relaxers.  It can be key for muscles to release in order for them to recover allowing you to continue your program.

The muscle relaxing properties contained in the Chinese herb, dong quai, have long been used by women for relief of pain and muscle cramps associated with the menstrual cycle.  This Chinese herb can be found in herbalife’s Tang Kuei Plus. Tang Kuei Plus has extended dong quai’s popularity to anyone, men and women alike, who seek muscular relaxation for relief from any type pain. These muscle relaxers can become an integral, natural part of anyone’s muscle recovery program.

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Staying Physical!

While we’re on the topic of physical exertion, again, hydration is of extreme importance so don’t allow yourself to become dehydrated.  Also on the physical activity topic, some of us have not worked out in a while and want to get back on track.  So, while taking care of hydration, we might want to give ourselves a little mind-body boost to help get started up on the activity path.  Liftoff from herbalife provides a great noninvasive energy lift for both mind and body. It contains a blend of L-taurine, guarana, natural caffeine, Panax ginseng and Ginkgo biloba.  Liftoff has been clinically proven to enhance mental performance and boost energy.

Also for increased mental alertness and sustained high energy maintenance are the guarana energy pills known as N-R-G from herbalife.  N-R-G is another great natural way to lift your energy level before embarking on the various ways of staying physical.

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Stay Replenished!

One of the primary causes of cramping while exerting oneself  is the depletion of electrolytes.  Not only is it so very important to stay hydrated, especially during physical activity, but it’s just as important to insure the proper electrolyte replenishment.

When we’re active, as in walking, hiking or working out, a lot of water and electrolytes are expelled through our sweat.  One can have serious problems if they become completely dehydrated so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to maintain hydration while being physical.  Also, there are numerous energy drinks on the market today that actually target electrolyte replenishment.  You would be well advised to utilize one these particularly toward the end of any lengthy physical exertion.  From my experience, none of these electrolyte sustaining products are nearly as effective as H3O from Herbalife. Give it a try, and stay replenished!


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Love That Taste!

You know, something like herbs and botanicals for nutrition, including the digestive aid of chamomile and ginger, is not something that will make your child jump up and down with excitement.  But what if I told you these things are very good for your child and are just part of a multivite complex that insures your child is getting one hundred per cent of his or her daily required vitamins?

The fact is, multivites are chewable vitamins containing all key nutrients required for healthy development and growth plus two powerful antioxidants, rosehips and acerola.  what makes them so charming is that they come in entertaining, colored sports shapes and contain no artificial sweeteners.  And kids keep coming back for more because they just love that taste!

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Make It Easy!

I’m one of those people that can swallow a bunch of capsules or pills in one try.  Other members of my team often react with disbelief, or even with discomfort, when they see me do this.  Truth is, only some of us can swallow a bunch of pills all at once.  And there are a good number of people who don’t like taking capsules or pills simply because swallowing them is uncomfortable!

Most of these team members discovered a way around this when they were making sure their children got their daily required vitamins.  Chewable vitamins, or liquid vitamins that can be added to a beverage, are definitely ways to get around swallowing pills of daily required supplements. So if you’re one of those people who have trouble taking vitamins in pill form, liquid vitamins can make it easier!

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