Keep Your Stomach Happy!

Whenever indigestion rears it’s ugly head, a couple things always seem to come with it.  For one, there’s that upset stomach, or even stomach ache pain.  And usually contributing quite a bit of discomfort, is that bloated feeling from the gas caused with digestive challenges.

Believe it or not, a lot of people out there go through this routine every time they have a protein filled meal.  That’s why it’s important to take supplements containing digestive enzymes, like those found in aminogen, whenever you have a protein heavy meal.  Enzymes found in aminogen help break down proteins into nutritious essential amino acids making protein assimilation easier.  Gastric discomfort is lessened and your stomach is much happier!

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Feels So Good!

One of the herbalife supplements Katrin and I were raving about the other day, has to do with boosting metabolism to build alertness and energy.  What’s interesting, and truly great about it, is it’s a “fat burner” without being a fat burner like the ones that are bad for us.  This one simply burns fat because it gives a metabolic boost.

Green, black and oolong teas all contribute to herbalife total control with a blended naturally occurring caffeine boost from high quality tea extracts.  We both had to acknowledge how we just inexplicably feel uplifted when we use it in our daily regimen.  Friends, if you can find something like this for diet, I highly recommend you take it.  It feels so good!

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Stamina For Strength For Stamina

Sometimes I go to work out with a friend who is a serious weight lifter.  He’s ripped, if you know what I mean.  I can only dream of ever looking like that.  But Bobby’s been a great friend for many years.  We’ve actually worked on a lot of projects, other than physical health, together.

When I asked what he thought was the key to being so strong and built, he said strength for stamina and stamina for strength.  I think I looked a little confused because he went on to explain.  “You see”, he said, “the more you work out, the more you’ll build up your stamina, the more stamina you have, the harder you’ll work out and the stronger you’ll get, the stronger you get, the more stamina you have, and so on.  It’s like a healthy vicious cycle!”  Now that I think about it, that was a great way to look at it!

He also went on to say that he ate plenty of protein to build that smooth muscle mass.  He said he had several protein shakes a day made from the best whey protein powder he could find.  Bet I know where he got it!

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What Fun!

I was speaking with my friend Katrin the other day.  She and I are on the same nutrition team so we talk health strategy all the time.  She’s one of those wonderfully supportive friends that encourages me to keep going on my plan until I reach my health goals!  And you know, it’s funny, the closer I get to my health goals, the closer I get to other personal goals out there in the world.  Good friends are valuable.

We were acknowledging to each other how there are certain herbalife supplements we just couldn’t do without.  It’s true!  Like I can’t imagine life without cell activator.  It’s a supplement that helps the delivering and absorptions of nutrients at the cellular level.  The same for the aloe vera juice.  It does such good things for our intestines and digestive system. And there’s more!

In fact, there’s so many we had to laugh out loud.  We couldn’t agree on a favorite!  The best part of the deal was there we were, two friends laughing together over the simplest thing!  What Fun!


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World Traveler Diet

Every once in a great while, I get the opportunity to travel.  This year I’m actually going to be in Europe for almost a month.  I’m so grateful that I’m actually going to see some things over there that I honestly thought I’d only ever read about!  I’m feeling very lucky about that.

And, of course, the first thing that comes to mind, since I’ve been on such a health kick, is what am I going to do about keeping my diet program?  I mean, it’s not going to be such a great experience if I start eating poorly and lose energy!  Luckily, since I’m on the go a lot anyway, I long ago had to figure out how to maintain my regimen while on the run.  I like the instant protein shakes that herbalife makes.  There fast, don’t need a blender, you can just add water and shake them up.  And they’re delicious!  So if you’re a world traveler, you just might want to check these out!

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