Happier Too!

You know it’s so very simple to calculate what your body needs to get into shape, that I think that’s why we let go so often.  And then it’s off to the races with a vicious cycle of overindulgence and taking food that’s not only loaded with too many calories, but not even good calories with healthy nutrition!  It’s like we’re getting into shape to destroy our own health!

Well, when this happens, we have to take a step back and think for a minute.  What’s better, to be out of shape with bad energy, or to take care of ourselves a little and improve our shape and stamina?  When you think of it that way, the answers really obvious isn’t it?  You know it!

It’s time to figure what you can replace those bad calories with.  A good first step would be to find natural, low carb meal replacements like energy, metabolism boosting protein shakes.  If you can get yourself to replace one not so healthy meal a day, you’ve taken a giant step toward healthiness.  And, you guessed it, you’ll be a lot happier too!


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Glad I Found Them!

So many people I know have done so well fighting the battle of unwanted pounds.  In fact there are enough of them that we actually do a lot of working out, playing games and other physical activities together.  I’m so grateful to be part of a happy, healthy group of friends.  I’d be lost without them!

And when I look back on it, what brought us together initially was our herbalife weight loss diet.  Everyone of us was not only looking to lose, but needed to lose some weight in order to be active and healthy again.  Boy, I’m sure glad I found it.  And glad I found them!

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Personal Protein

One of the most important elements of a weight management program is making sure you’re getting the best amount of protein for your body.  Protein, loaded with nutritious amino acids, will produce good energy and keep you feeling full while your body absorbs those essential nutrients.

There are three basic herbalife diet plans.  There’s on for starters who want to get started on a basic cellular nutrition diet, a more advanced program that adds a few enhancers for promoting weight loss, and one for those who are ready to take on the ultimate weight loss challenge using the full array of weight management supplements.  Not to mention that a wellness coach will be happy to work with you, all of these programs come with a customized meal plan so you can make a regimen to stick to and personalize your protein!

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Never Boring!

Do you sometimes have to entice yourself to stick to your diet?  If so, you’re not alone!  I’m one of those that needs to like what I eat no matter what!  If anything tastes bland or like diet food, I just can’t get myself interested!

I’d honestly have to find something else for my diet plan if I didn’t like what I eat now.  To lose weight, you have to watch your fat calorie intake.  You need to be aware and choose foods that are nutritious without loading you with calories that you won’t burn of in the course of the day.  Not only do the protein shakes I eat fill that bill, but they are the best tasting meal replacements I’ve encountered after a long search for the diet program that would work for me.  What I love about my protein shakes is that they are low carb enough that you can add fruit or yogurt to vary the flavor without overloading on calories.  I’m just crazy about them because you can always make something new, they taste awesome and they never get boring!

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It Works!

Every day, when I get up, I make myself a cup of herbal tea from herbalife’s concentrate.  My favorite is the raspberry tea.  The nickname for this tea is drink and drink and shrink.  That’s because it contains extracts from green, oolong, black and pekoe teas for a super, yet natural, metabolism boost.  Usually I drink with the intention of working out afterwords.

After I work out, I breakfast on a great tasting protein shake, and I’m set all the way to lunch!  This is my daily diet herbalife program.  I’ve been doing it for three years and have felt great shortly after I started to this day.  It took me four and a half months to lose thirty pounds, it’s stayed off, and I’ve not been so vulnerable to viruses and colds in all this time.  If you’re looking for a program to strengthen you health and to lose some unwanted pounds, believe you me, this works!

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