Give Yourself A Break!

Being overweight comes with so many potential problems. The risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes, just to name a few, is at a much higher rate of probability when we are obese.  And besides all the potential problems, it just looks and feels bad and will leave you unhappy!

Did you know that a diet based on herbalife health nutrition can almost instantly raise your metabolism by thirty per cent?  That’s because the foundation of a diet herbalife program is cellular nutrition.  Cellular nutrition is designed to continually strive to get the most appropriate nutrition absorbed by each cell in the body.  If the cells are the stores of our energy, doesn’t it make sense that optimal nutrition at the cellular level would instantly increase our energy, raise metabolism and help us to shed those unhealthy pounds?  If you’re struggling with this issue, look into an herbalife diet and give yourself a break!

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Check It Out!

Did you know that whatever your health goals and challenges are, Herbalife is one of those companies that has something natural, organic and herbal that is good for you and your whole family?  The truth is, Herbalife set out to respond to peoples needs from the natural and herbal point of view many years ago.

This has continued now for over thirty years, with literally millions of people benefiting from these fine products.  Basic cellular nutrition is where we start, and we continue all the way to outer nutrition for personal skin care.  If there’s something your targeting to improve your personal health,inside or out, I strongly encourage you to check out Herbalife.  Based on my personal experience, I’m sure you won’t regret it!

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An ACE For Face!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “ACE for your face”?  I first heard it when learning about herbalife nourifusion.  That’s a natural skincare product line that is actually infused with vitamins for skin nutrition!

Turns out that vitamin A applied topically has demonstrated through testing that it reduces lines and wrinkles, provides good acne control and even delivers some psoriasis relief!  Vitamin C encourages collagen production similar to the way the body does naturally when we’re young.  And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, a lotion with vitamin E will soothe and smooth dry, rough skin.  Thus the acronym, “ACE”.  Do you have an ACE for your face?

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Removing the oldest or dead skin cells of the outer surface of the skin is called exfoliation.  Exfoliation is done simply for the purpose of maintaining healthy skin.  For example, exfoliation is usually performed during a spa body treatment or when you go through the process of a facial.

The body buffing scrub herbalife offers is known to naturally exfoliate body skin while minimizing dimpled or problem areas of your skin.  There is also a contouring creme, and in fact, clinical testing has shown this scrub exfoliation can improve the appearance of dimpled skin or areas with cellulite if followed with the use of the body contouring creme!  Help your skin stay healthy.  Exfoliate!

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Save Your Skin!

Do you help your skin replenish moisture and nutrients at night?  If you don’t, please know that it is highly recommended if you want the elasticity and suppleness to last for that more youthful look.  A real “no no” is not washing your facial skin or at least removing your make-up at night.  It has actually been recommended that you leave a treated cloth by your bed so that you’ll at least wipe the make-up off it you’re too tired!

Hopefully you’re already past the “just wiping” and really do cleanse at night. You can do a lot to smooth lines and wrinkles by using herbalife skin activator nighttime replenishing cream.  Allowing nutrients to soak in while you sleep is great way to save your youth by saving your skin!

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