Exercise For Youth!

Well, as one might suspect, one of the best ways to look your best, including your skin, is to exercise regularly.  Think about it.  Exercise is not only good for your body and muscles, it also keeps the blood pumping, helps you shed those unwanted pounds, releases toxins through the pores of your skin, and it lifts your spirits mentally.  In short, it’s just plain good for the soul!

Do take this to heart, it really is good for the heart as well.  But make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially when exercising, eat nutritiously and get good rest.  When you think about it, exercising is the most natural anti aging skincare program out there!

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Keep That Youthful Look!

Did you know that besides increasing the speed of aging your skin, tanning beds also triple the chance of contracting melanoma?  I mean, why do you think we’re all told so often to protect ourselves from the UV rays of the sun, let alone avoiding tanning beds!  When it comes to UV rays, a good sun screen is the way to go!

There are many moisturizing products for the skin on the market today, and I’m sure many of them work.  The one I’ve tested, and both male and female members of my team have tested, is the everyday skin activator sun screen from herbalife.  There are wonderful herbalife beauty products for every type skin and the skin activator day lotion SPF 15 can be used by all types.  In fact the entire skin activator line is for all skin types and has a wonderful anti aging effect on your skin for keeping that youthful look!


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Stomach Indigestion?

Digestive and internal cleansing are handled in various ways.  A most effective and revitalizing cleanse can be accomplished with the use of lemon and apple pectin as a program for gastrointestinal health.  A twenty-one day cleanse can be very advantages.

For digestion challenges, nothing seems to do it as well as wondrous aloe vera juice.  Loaded with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, the juice from aloe vera not only appears to be the most effective, but it certainly is the most popularly used.  With its natural digestive tract soothing abilities, aloe vera juice is very special support against stomach indigestion!

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Watch Those Radicals!

Free radical damage is a daily reality in the body.  They are atoms, molecules or ions with unpaired electrons and they are highly chemically reactive.  Free radicals are believed to be involved in cancers and degenerative diseases.

One of the best know ways to protect against free radical damage, or the premature aging of cells, is the use of antioxidants.  Antioxidants, like those found in schizandra berries or seeds fight against free radical damage at the cellular level and aid immune defense against environmental pollution, stress and various other challenges.  When schizandra is mixed with beta carotene, vitamins E and C, together with the mineral selenium, the defense system support can be potent!

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Swarms Of Benefits!

Krill are fascinating little crustaceans that are actually an important member of the food chain due to the fact that many animals eat them.  They are pinkish in color, similar to shrimp they are translucent, and they gather in large masses while swimming in the seas.  These gathering are referred to as clouds or swarms.

What’s brought krill to our popular attention is that krill oil has been found to be even higher in content of omega 3 fatty acids than fish oils!  Obviously, a powerful supplement for heart health, krill oil is literally packed with swarms of omega 3 benefits!  Krill oil benefits are definitely worth exploring!

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