Heart And Mind?

Did you know that research has shown learning difficulties may be caused by omega 3 fatty acid deficiencies?  So the importance of fish oils in the diet is limited to heart health.  In fact, past studies have proven DHA fatty acid is key in children brain development!

Our bodies are unable to produce omega 3 benefits on their own, so we must get these good fatty acids through our diet.  So be sure to find a fish oil supplement with omega 3 DHA and EPA.  Your heart and mind will benefit!

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Your Workings At Night

Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Dr. Lou Ignarro, worked with Herbalife to develop Herbalife Niteworks.  The key benefits of his research and work is a product that targets the production of nitric oxide at night when levels are lowest in the body.

Over the years, many users of Herbalife Niteworks have reported that it has supported their healthy blood pressure level and gave them more energy.  Dr. Ignarro reportedly designed the lemon flavored drink mix to specifically enhance blood flow to the heart while keeping vessels more youthful, flexible and toned for improved circulation and cardiovascular health.  Somehow it’s reassuring to know this is working at night while you sleep!

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Fortify Your Heart

Did you know that the heart actually begins to beat around the fourth week after conception?  What that indicates is just how important the cardiovascular system is maintaining homeostasis, a stable metabolic condition.  Obviously, without good blood circulation to maintain this favorable cellular environment, we simply wouldn’t survive.

Adding support to your diet that aids as a gentle, natural circulation booster can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels for stability of your cardiovascular system.  The next time you have a check up with your doctor, you might see if they recommend  dietary heart supplements to fortify the muscle that works 24/7.

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Little But Mighty!

Nitrogen and oxygen make up the small molecule NO, nitric oxide.  “Little but mighty” could be used to describe what this little molecule can do!

Produced by our bodies, nitric oxide is made from an amino acid called arginine combined with a family of enzymes.  And, actually, when arginine and the enzymes mix, nitric oxide is formed as a reaction.  Another beneficial amino acid, citrulline, is also produced as a byproduct of this process.

One of the biggest benefits of this little molecule is that it triggers relaxation and widening in the blood vessels.  This vasodilation in turn increases blood flow to the heart and provides strong support for healthy blood pressure.  Indeed nitric oxide is a tiny, magical molecule that can honestly be described as little but mighty!

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Joint Health

Over the years, glucosmine chondroitin has become one the most popularly used nutritional products.  Most who seek glucosamine chondroitin are using it for joint support, both for strengthening and pain relief.  In combination with MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane), a compound found in many foods, pain relief may be even greater.

Look for joint supplements that feature these three ingredients so as to present a more “all encompassing” and effective approach to joint health!

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