For Men Too!

Some people, like me, push their workout to a limit that will sometimes cause a strain or a pull.  Yes, sometimes injury too, but please don’t push that hard if you can help it!  Anyway, just yesterday I was doing an intense upper body workout and I strained the muscle between my shoulder blades.  They weren’t torn or pulled, but strained.  And they got tighter and tighter as the evening approached.

The muscles got so tight I remember thinking I couldn’t get a complete breath.  There really wasn’t any flexibility there and there was no relief from a dull ache.  I remembered what two women on my team had told me about Tang Kuei, and how it contained Chinese herbal muscle relaxers.  They take it all the time for menstrual cramps and say it will relax your muscles to the point the pain can at least be overcome.  So I took it!  And I tell you first hand that I don’t know why this pain reliever is so heavily recommended for women, it’s totally for men too!


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Let’s Get Focused!

Among the sports activities I like to do is play tennis.  The reason I like it is that it’s an “all encompassing” sport.  By that I mean you not only get a great work out with all the running, but you have to really concentrate.  Your hand/eye coordination is critical and you have to have a strategy too.  And, unless you’re playing doubles, it’s all up to you!  Yet even with doubles, you’ve got to perform your part.

There’s an ancient Amazonian seed from which an energy drink can be made that I just love to take before a match.  It’s a gentle, yet zesty and uplifting herb that naturally boosts sustained energy and mental alertness.  It comes from the guarana seed and is called N-R-G.  It makes a great tea and it also comes in the form of guarana energy pills as well.  N-R-G can really put you into focus when you need to perform!

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No Short Outs!

Have you ever been working out, or doing any kind of activity that caused you to cramp up in your muscles?  Well, if so, there are numerous possible reasons for that, but probably the most frequent reason is due to the depletion of electrolytes.  The natural salts in our system are needed for proper muscular function.

If you work out and, like everyone else, work up a good sweat, make sure you stay hydrated, drink plenty of water and take care of electrolyte replenishment with a good sports drink.  Remember, electrolytes are like the electrical system running across your muscles signaling for control.  You don’t want to short’em out!

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Chew’Em If You Got’Em!

Well, like good little troopers, we all want our children to be healthy, energetic and strong.  One of the ways to make sure of that, as they are growing, is to make sure they get their vitamins!

Vitamin deficiency, as seen the world over, can cause extreme consequences.  So a good multivite complex for kids is not only what’s needed, but can be very convenient.  Multivites come in fun sports shapes, different colors, and have a taste that keeps them coming back for more!  And, multivites are chewable!  Believe me, your children will be happy to chew’em if they got’em!

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Baby Is Well!

We’re all well aware that nutrition is vitally important from the day we’re born.  No one knows and witnesses that fact like the mothers of the world.  That’s why these wonderful women are so important to us all.  Where would we be without our divine nurturers?  That’s right, we wouldn’t be!

So, when it comes to babies and infants, making sure they get the very best nutrition possible certainly includes that they get their minimum daily requirements of vitamins.  Since infants don’t really understand the whole concept of nutrition yet, it’s sometimes easier to add their supplements to their favorite drink in the form of liquid vitamins.  That way, mom, you know that the daily vitamins, minerals and nutrients have been received and your baby is well!

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