Fight Back!

No matter which way you cut it, growing older is inevitable.  But you don’t have to support that fact by feeling old too!  While it’s important to get all the nutrition you need to stay healthy, it’s just as important to stay active to keep yourself strong!  This will require some physical activity to work your muscles, and of course, your joints.

If your approaching the later years and you’re keeping up a good health nutrition diet while staying physically active, it’s a good idea to find a dietary supplement that has glucosamine.  Joint Support Advanced from herbalife contains glucosamine for healthy joint function and comfort blended with herbal scutellaria’s healthy antioxidant aging benefits.  With selenium, manganese and copper mixed in, this is easily the best joint support supplement for those willing to stare the years in the face, stay active and fight back!

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Stop The Pain!

So many women still typically suffer from symptoms of PMS these days that it’s not funny!  All reports indicate that when this happens, the pain is simply debilitating.  What’s to be done?

The women in my workout group, my daughter included, swear by the powerful muscle relaxers found in Dong Quai, a Chinese herb.  while I’m certain there are numerous products on the market that make use of Dong Quai, the one I’m familiar with is Tang Kuei from herbalife.  It not only provides the muscle relaxant properties of Dong Quai, but also contains passion flower to reduce stress and promote restful sleep.  I do know first hand that Tang Kuei is powerful enough to relieve any pain for men too.  So the next time your in real need, see if you can enlist the powers of this great Chinese herb to help stop the pain!

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Need A Little “Pick-Me-Up”?

Guarana actually carries a famous myth with it in Brazilian culture.  The story is attributed to the Satere-Maue tribe.  A beloved village child is killed by a god.   And in order to console the villagers, another, more benevolent god plucked out the left eye of the child and planted it in the forest, resulting in the wild variety of guarana.  The god then plucked the right eye from the child and planted it in the village.  This grew into domesticated guarana.  The Guaranis made a tea with a powder pounded from the guarana seeds.  They also used the powder to make a dough for a cylinder shaped bread.

Today, due to its content of natural caffeine, guarana is used as a dietary supplement for a sustained natural energy boost.  It often comes in the form of tea or guarana energy pills.  Herbalife N-R-G uses guarana seeds to increase mental alertness organically and help maintain energy naturally.  Need a little “pick-me-up”?

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Don’t Go Dry!

Did you know that electrolytes actually have to do with maintaining voltages to carry electrical impulses across our cells?  Well, it’s true and the cells of our heart, muscles and nerves depend greatly on them to function properly.

The concentration of electrolytes in the blood is regulated by the kidneys while changes occur with our bodies.  With heavy exercise, for instance, important electrolytes like sodium and potassium are lost in sweat.  Serious electrolyte disturbances through dehydration can cause an overall imbalance in our entire physiological system.  Therefore electrolyte replenishment becomes crucial to our well being especially when physically active.

Whether you work out to lose weight or just to stay in shape, remember to drink plenty of water and find a good sports drink that replaces electrolytes.  Your health will be vulnerable if you neglect your fluids and electrolyte levels.  So, whatever you do, don’t go dry!

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Healthy Learning Ritual!

Another way to help the youngsters get into the habit of making sure they’re getting their daily nutrition requirements is to find a great multivite that’s a lot a fun to take!  Most kids are just wild about multivitamins that look and taste like a treat!

Herbalife produces a multivite for healthy kids that comes in multi-colored, fun sports shapes.  And these are chewable vitamins that kids keep coming back for as if they were candy!  Add this to your daily routine and start your child on a great nutritional habit as a wonderfully healthy learning ritual!

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