How Immune Are You?

Taking care of our immune system is critical at every stage of our lives.  Let’s face it, once we get into trouble with our immune system, very serious illness usually follows.  We’ve certainly all known someone who has unfortunately left this world due to immune problems.  So, finding dietary elements and supplements that support our immune system should be a priority in our daily regimen.

The schizandra berry, originally from Chinese herbology now worldwide, has long been used for its antioxidant properties that support immune fortification.  Another nutrient identified by Chinese nutrition researchers for its antioxidant properties is selenium.  It is believed that selenium works as a powerful antioxidant in tandem with vitamin E and may actually prevent viral attacks on the heart muscle.

A good natural supplement containing both schizandra and selenium would obviously be effective immune system support.  Even better, schizandra plus, a supplement developed by herbalife, contains a blend of shizandra, selenium plus vitamins all targeted towards immune support and cellular health.  Using schizandra plus, obviously, is one solid way of feeling a little more secure when looking into the mirror and you have the thought, “how immune are you?”

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Dynamite Shrimp Like Creatures!

Did you know that krill is often used for sport fishing?  That’s right, these little shrimp like critters make good bait!  Besides eaten as food for us, they’re also used to feed aquarium fish.  Besides all this, did you know that krill oil contains a powerful pack of omega 3 benefits?

Krill captured for krill oil, is processed into capsule form and can be found through numerous venues on the market today.  Besides providing omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids that seem to be more easily absorbed by our bodies, krill oil is also popular for its antioxidant known as astaxanthin.  Astaxanthin is responsible for the bright red pigment that colors shrimp, lobster and krill.  Besides omega 3 benefits, as a bonus this antioxidant helps protect our bodies and cells from free radical damage and oxidation damage from the environment. If dynamite comes in small packages, using krill oil supplements in your health regimen is arming yourself with one dynamite shrimp like creature!

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Are You Happy Now?!

For a long time now, fish oil, that contains EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids, have been known to provide a major heart health boost.  Fish oils can aid the maintenance of healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels.  But just when it pretty much became written in stone that this was the use of fish oils, a Taiwanese medical team of researchers are now claiming omega 3 benefits  include antidepressant effects!

The praises of omega 3 fish oil and flax seed have been consistently sung in the medical and anti aging fields.  Now studies make it apparent that there’s lower levels of depression in the world where diets are high in omega 3!  It is now being studied to determine if and how omega 3 supplements could be applied to numerous depressive symptoms like postpartum depression or bipolar disorder.

Who would have guessed?!  I can just hear those little fish asking, “Are we happy now?!”

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“NO More Heart Disease”!

Since I’ve been harping on this topic for several months now, and have actually witnessed the benefits of nitric oxide production in the body, I think it’s time to acknowledge the man whom we give major credit for developing herbalife niteworks.  Dr. Lou Ignarro, Nobel laureate in medicine, and acclaimed professor at UCLA school of medicine, is credited with discovering the “cardiovascular health atom.”  The tiny signaling molecule called Nitric Oxide, NO, is a vasodilator helping blood flow throughout the body.

When Doctor Ignarro wrote his book, “NO More Heart Disease”, on the findings of his work on nitric oxide, he was awarded the Nobel prize in medicine.  His colleague, Dr. Hebner, acknowledged his discoveries to be “as important as the discovery of penicillin and insulin”.  If you find the postings on this blog site entitled, “My Friend Ron’s Herbalife Niteworks
Experience”, parts 1-3, you will easily see why I agree!

Herbalife Niteworks enhances the natural production of nitric oxide in the body. NO is known to relax and enlarge blood vessels.  It helps prevent blood clots from triggering heart attacks and strokes while supporting healthy blood pressure and regulating vessel plaque accumulation.  Herblife Niteworks is a simple heart health regimen to follow and actually supports anyone’s choice of  healthy physical activities.  This is one great natural supplement to look into should you wish to use preventative health practices supporting no more heart disease!

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Keep Your Sweet Heart Healthy!

Your healthy heart depends a great deal on good blood pressure and circulation.  A good way to keep the blood pumping is to be disciplined about physical activity.  One of the prominent causes for heart disease and obesity is a lack of physical activity.  Please keep your physical activity appropriate to your age and present physical condition an go from there.  Make sure to stay hydrated.  Drink plenty of water and replenish electrolytes.

Another way to help keep the blood pumping is to find a good dietary circulation booster to take regularly.  Keep in mind that good natural, organic heart supplements are highly recommended.  Something that enhances but is noninvasive is best.  Don’t settle for anything less than the highest quality you can find to keep your sweet heart healthy!

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