Preventing The Big One!

While many of the same heart disease risks such as smoking, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure and poor nutrition exist for both men and women, women on birth control have a unique set of challenges especially if they happen to smoke, have diabetes or high blood pressure.  In fact, heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States.

Studies have shown some startling facts.  For intance, more women die of heart disease each year than men.  African-American women have a higher risk of dying from heart disease than Caucasian women.  Women display different, or atypical, symptoms of heart attacks than men do.  Women are less likely than men to get aggressive care for their heart disease.  To top it off, women are less likely to survive heart surgery.

Armed with this kind of fore-knowledge, doesn’t it make sense for everyone, especially women, to pay attention to their heart health?  Finding a good natural, noninvasive program can work wonders in terms of heart disease prevention. A natural supplement that increases blood flow to the heart and enhances the natural production of nitric oxide in the body would be ideal for the prevention of heart attacks.  Who knows, you might be preventing the big one!

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Stay Loose!

Like the mechanics of a automobile, our skeletal system needs good lubricants to stay loose in the joints!  After many studies, it’s been found that the body actually synthesizes lubricants and shock absorbing mechanisms.  This process  is specifically and absolutely necessary for the maintenance and restoration of good joint performance health.  A major building element the body uses for this purpose, is glucosamine combined with chondroitin.

Glucosamine Hydrochloride, or glucosamine hcl, has proven to be very easily absorbed by the body.  It is the most effective source of glucosamine because it is composed of 98% pure and stable glucosamine.  Glucosamine HCL contains sulfur and can be very good for those with high blood pressure or on a potassium restricted diet.  Glucosamine Hydrochloride is a known anti-inflammatory that helps regenerate cartilage and soothes aches in such joints as present in the shoulders, knees and elbows.

Chondroitin, an important component of cartiledge, aids in the health of cartiledge by absorbing fluid into the connective tissue.  It is also useful in preventing the disintegration of cartiledge and helps the body create new cartiledge.

While there are many glucosamine chondroitin joint supplements out on the market today, remember that a natural, organic supplement can be even more readily absorbed and be a highly effective natural therapy for the joints of your body.  So make sure to add a healthy dose of pure glucosamine chondroitin to your diet and make sure your joints stay loose!

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Let’s Just Relax!

Pain relievers and muscle relaxers have a long history.  Essentially, the extreme muscle relaxants are used to cause a kind of paralysis.  They are neuromuscular blockers that are often used for emergency medicine and in surgical procedures.  Obviously, these are something we would best come across only under a doctor’s care.

The more commonly used pain relieving muscle relaxers are called spasmolytics and are known as centrally acting muscle relaxants for alleviating pain and spasms.  Spasmolytics are often prescribed by physicians for lower back pain, tension headaches or neck pain.  However, there is no great evidence showing that one drug is better than the other, while all of them have side effects like dizziness or drowsiness.  Therefore, safety could be a concern.

Knowing this information led me to seek out an all natural answer for my pulled or strained muscles from exercising.  Several people in my workout group now use the same muscle relaxers I do and one of my buddies has found them effective for his back spasms.   Two of the women in the group have found them to be great relief for pms symptoms.    These are not drugs but natural supplements and the best part is that there’s no known side effects.   So, for me, organic and natural is clearly the safest way to
go and highly effective, especially when you really don’t want to medicate but truly need your body to just relax!

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Need An Energizer Bunny?

The first energy drink probably came from the Amazon in the form of guarana seeds.  They were probably ground into dough and made into little energy cakes that were eaten or dissolved into hot water for natural energy drinks.  The natural caffeine contained in guarana is called guaranine.  It’s different than the caffeine in the coffee bean in that it contains a high fiber content giving guarana seeds the advantage of releasing guaranine gradually inside the body.  This provides a much longer, sustained energy boost that’s reviving and also promotes the ability to concentrate, without the typical caffeine rush of nervousness.

People who have a tough time tolerating coffee might find guarana energy pills to be just the energizer they’re looking for.  These natural supplements won’t over stimulate the circulatory system, nor will they cause an uncomfortable stomach acid reaction like roasted coffee beans can.  Natures raw guarana is an excellent way to not  miss out on the energizing, reviving qualities of natural caffeine if your body hasn’t been able to handle it before.  Who knows, guaranine just might turn out to be your personal “energizer bunny”!

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Use It Or Lose It!

As I’m heading out the door to my workout gym, the thought crosses my mind that you just got to keep using your muscles if you want to stay in any kind of healthy shape.  And with working out comes a whole set of considerations to keep in mind. You want to take into consideration your age and present condition and choose your physical activity regimen appropriately.  Make sure you are working your muscles and cardiovascular system just enough to slowly increase in stamina as you get in shape.  The benefits to your entire muscular body and heart will be immense.

Also, it’s of extreme importance to make sure you stay hydrated properly when you know you are expelling fluids through physical exercise.  Fluids that contain electrolytes are ideal to drink because they not only quench thirst, but help provide needed salts like sodium and potassium.  Prevention of muscle cramps during physical activity is often attributed to good electrolyte replenishment.  So, besides drinking plenty of water, make sure you find a good energy drink that replaces electrolytes that you expel while working your body.  Help yourself absorb fluids for re-hydration as effectively as possible.  It’s all part of using it so you don’t lose it!

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