Great Tasting Aloe Vera Juice!

Besides myself, many of my friends who are on a diet herbalife program love the taste of the premium quality aloe vera juice herbalife has produced.  We all agree that the delicious citrus flavors available are highly palatable.  Of course, the great digestive benefits of aloe vera juice are especially easy to enjoy when it tastes so good!

Benefits of drinking aloe vera juice provide amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes for healthy digestion.  Aloe vera juice, containing organic nutrients, promotes the body’s self cleansing and healthy elimination aiding quality digestive health.

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Immune Protecting Schizandra

Growing on a woody vine that’s native to Northern China and Eastern Russia, the schizandra chenensis berry has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its immuno-modulating properties.  Primarily presented in the form of a tea made from these dried berries, it is considered a restorative tonic with clinically documented liver protecting effects.

Known as the “five flavor berry”, it does literally contain all five of the basic flavors including bitter, spicy, salty, sour and sweet.  Primary hepatoprotective (liver protecting) and immune protecting lignans schizandrin found in the schizandra berry are potent and should not be used by women who are pregnant.

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Omega 3 Benefits of Krill Oil!

Yep, that’s our story and we’re sticking to it!  Antarctic Neptune krill oil is believed to be even more potent in omega 3 fatty acids content than the average fish oil.  Essential fatty acids are exactly what their name says.  They are necessary for healthy life, helping the brain, cardio, prostate and more!

Since we don’t produce them in our bodies, it’s necessary to get these good fatty acids in our diet.  And, since we probably won’t get enough omega 3 from eating fish, it’s important to supplement our diet with them.  Krill oil is believed to contain highly absorbable omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, requiring consumption in lesser amounts to reach an effective daily requirement.

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Great Omega 3 Benefits!

Supplements from fish oils are the best source of omega 3 fatty acids.  Daily consumption of omega 3 fatty acids is one of the most effective ways to help yourself stay in good shape and safeguard against a range of numerous diseases. As a preventative health measure, these supplements are a smart lifestyle choice simply because the benefits are so great.

What makes fish oils so highly recommended for your health is the DHA and EPA fatty acids contained in them.  Unlike fats in general, omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, are very healthy nutrients for the body.  A list of omega 3 benefits might include such things as blood pressure control, cancer prevention, improved joint range of motion, skin rejuvenation, benefits to the brain as well as improved vision.

You’ll want at least 250 mg DHA and 100 mg EPA on a daily basis.  So check the label for these ingredients to make sure your getting full omega 3 benefits when purchasing your dietary supplements.

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Why Herbalife Niteworks?

In the interest of good cardiovascular health, there are numerous elements to consider.  The obvious is to get the blood pumping by means of a good physical activity or exercise program.  The phrase “use it or loose it”  was never more applicable.  The lack of physical activity can lead to many health complications, including heart health complications.

So, when choosing which supplements to use for cardiovascular health, consider how you might want them to support your heart healthy physical exercise program.  Fish and krill oil with omega 3 benefits is a smart move for one thing.  And, herbalife niteworks, promoting healthy blood pressure through well toned and flexible blood vessels, will enhance the flow of blood to the heart.  This is a good choice of supplements for heart health especially because of the natural enhancement of nitric oxide production in the body.

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