My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-five)

When dieting to loose weight, while you need to make sure you’re getting the proper nutrition, you will also want to keep a good physical activity program going for cardiovascular work.  If you’re calculating and controlling your calorie intake, physical activity will help you burn calories for weight loss and do wonders for your heart health!

Cardiovascular work is important for good metabolism and general wellness.  So any good, healthy circulation booster you might choose for supplementation is a good idea. As I’ve mentioned before, nitric oxide produced naturally by your body is excellent heart health support.  Also, try to find supplements that contain good omega 3 benefits for the heart!

more when next we meet!                                    TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-four)

Did you know the body actually produces nitric oxide? Believe it or not, the same substance that is of great importance in the chemical industry and can be an air pollutant, is also known to help your healthy heart!

Nitric Oxide is an important signaling molecule in the human body that can enhance blood flow to the heart.  It’s also been found that nitric oxide can aid the tone of blood vessels, keeping them flexible and youthful.  Obviously, taking supplements that can support the body’s natural production of nitric oxide is not only good health support, but also
supplement smart support!

more on this tomorrow….                                         TurboSlim

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The Amazing Properties of Glucosamine

Arthritic patients suffer greatly from severe joint pains. Some are even temporarily incapacitated to some extent. This is why many people take glucosamine to help relieve symptoms of arthritis. Along with chondroitin, glucosamine is one of the two most popular non-prescription treatments for this musculoskeletal problem.

Glucosamine contains a positively charged amino group at a physiological pH. It has proven to be very effective in the restoration of articular cartilage. Glucosamine chondroitin can also help manage arthritic pain. Its normal dosage is 1500mg per day.

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-three)

Speaking of being disciplined about physical exercise, also makes me think about possible strains and pulls.  Especially if you’re a little older, like me, you do need to be a little careful to not overdue it.  But if you do, you should be aware of good muscle relaxers that help ease the pains of tight muscles.

Did you know that the Chinese herb, dong quai, has been used for centuries for it’s muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties?  The pain relieving qualities of dong quai, which is found in herbalife’s Tang Kuei Plus, is said to be able to relieve any pain for men or women!  For many women it is the reported must have pain killer for pms and pains associated with menstruation.  I know I’ve certainly killed some athletic pains with it and it really works.  So I do recommend it for both boys and girls!

more tomorrow….                                           TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-two)

If you are maintaining a good discipline of recurring physical activity to stay in shape, sometimes a good energy boost can help with the level of intensity you participate.  This, in turn, can promote better results for physical conditioning.  So, a little boost can’t hurt as long as it’s natural and healthy!

There’s a lot of energy boosters out there, so be careful about using something that’s safe.  When it comes to finding safe products to take, a good rule of thumb is to go organic or natural.  While caffeine is very popular for its energy kick, it’s been observed to not be all that good for you.  There are some other things to choose from on the market today that may be better for you.  For instance, guarana energy pills made from a type of ancient Amazonian seed is considered to be a natural way to increase your energy and mental alertness!

more tomorrow….                                       TurboSlim

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