My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-one)

Having to do with regulating body hydration as well as blood pH, electrolytes can be very important for nerve an muscle function.  In fact, electrolyte measurement is performed most commonly by blood testing and/or urinalysis. Obviously, since medical technologists have found monitoring electrolyte levels to be a useful health tool, then keeping good body hydration must be important!

Actually, body hydration is extremely important.  The effects of dehydration can be very damaging.  So, if you’re exerting yourself through some kind of physical activity, whether jogging or dancing, you must keep yourself hydrated to maintain good energy and health.  Electrolyte replenishment is best accomplished by drinking sports drinks or other
electrolyte replenishment drinks on the market today.  Make sure you pick one with substantial content of potassium and sodium which aid the body to absorb more fluids effectively!

more tomorrow….                                       TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy)

Sometimes young people need a little encouragement to be disciplined about completing their daily requirement of vitamins.  A good form of encouragement could be something that not only tastes great, but can be fun!  Providing your child with his or her favorite drink with liquid vitamins mixed in can be a treat, and fun, for one thing.

Some vitamins on the market come in different flavors or different colors or different shapes.  One of the great multivite complexes out on the market is herbalife’s multivites for kids.  They come in fun different sports shapes and have a wonderful fruit flavor that kids love.  The best part is that they are chewable like candy so kids keep coming back for more!  How great is that?!

Obviously, this sort of thing is a great way to insure your child’s daily nutrition.

more tomorrow….                                            TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-nine)

Troubles swallowing your vitamins?  Some of us actually find reasons not to take supplements so we can avoid having to swallow pills.  This is really a psychological condition usually formed when we had a bad, or choking, experience while swallowing something.  Yes it’s vague, but it’s usually referred to as unexplained dysphagia or phagophobia.

Since most people can swallow fluids, they try crushing supplements with a mortar and pestle so they can mix them in their favorite juice.  Another way to go is to take liquid vitamins!  That seems to be the favorite way to solve this little challenge!  Herbalife has a wonderful multivitamin complex in liquid form that’s great for kids as well as anyone who has trouble swallowing pills.

more on this tomorrow….                                TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-eight)

A lot of people have problems digesting protein.  In some cases, like with me, they truly love things like red meat but always feel bloated or gaseous from eating a juicy steak.  Sound familiar?  If so, there are helpful digestive enzymes on the market to help absorb protein.  One of these enzymes is called aminogen.

Aminogen protein digestive enzymes actually aid the breakdown of protein, not only in meat but vegetable protein as well, into amino acids.  When this process is assisted and the digestion is eased, the other possible unpleasant reactions are alleviated.  Simply put, aminogen is super helpful when efficient protein absorption is called for.

more on this tomorrow….                             TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-seven)

At times fat burners have been used for speedy weight loss.  While there’s nothing wrong with the theory of fat burners, there are certain ingredients in some fat burners that are not natural, and can be very harmful.  So, for goodness sake, do yourself a favor and find only natural fat burners that will rev your metabolism organically and naturally producing good energy.

Good natural fat burners to speed your weight loss process along can be very good support if you check the label to see that there’s no bad side effects.  A good metabolism boost can be highly thermogenic, and burn fat.  As long as the product is free of things like ephedra and citrus aurantium you should be in the clear.  For instance, herbalife total control is made up of extracts from green and oolong teas and can naturally help prevent fat storage.  And, it’s free of ephedra and citrus aurantium.  The best benefit is that herbalife total control is the fat burner designed to support a diet promoting cellular nutrition which will give even more energy.

But whatever you choose, make sure you’re using a product that is free of unnatural or harmful substances.  Be smart and loose weight in a healthy way!

more on this tomorrow….                            TurboSlim

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