My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-one)

If cutting calories to lose weight, you want to make sure your not just starving yourself to get skinny.  I know it sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people do just exactly that.  And then they are mystified when they’ve lost the excess weight, started eating regularly again and they immediately gain all the lost weight back!  What they forgot to do was to make sure they were eating nutritious meals that satisfied their hunger so they wouldn’t go back to old eating habits once they accomplished their desired weight loss.  Not that they can’t have their favorite foods ever again, but obviously not in the same amounts that made them fat in the first place!

My suggestion is that you find those high protein, hunger satisfying, healthy low carb meal replacements that give you all the basic nutrition you need to feel energetic and well while you lose weight.  Like I’ve mentioned before, there are many different products and methods being promoted on the market today, but you really need meals that can cut calories and at the same time provide efficient, or optimal nutrition.  My discovery is that, for me, only meal replacements that adhere to principles of cellular nutrition really have that kind of effectiveness!

more on this tomorrow….                                    TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty)

OK.  So the doctor told me it would be good to get into better shape.  And, making complete sense, that meant I needed to drop some weight.  To do that, I needed to do a little cardiovascular work, meaning some kind of physical activity, and be conscious of what I was eating.  So, what was the big deal?!  I mean if that was all I needed to feel like my old self again, I was ready!

This, of course, was before I realized how specific I needed to be about exactly what I was putting into my body.  I actually was one of those guys that liked late night stops at the local burger and fries stand!  So I thought just knocking that off a couple times a week should do the trick.  That was, I thought it would do the trick until I saw the amount of calories that comes with any fast food!

Needless to say, I quickly became aware that what little exercise I was doing was not burning off the calories I had been taking in.  Which was probably a good reason for feeling sluggish and tired all the time.  So the challenge became finding substitute meals that cut down the calories.  And, they had to be something that was both good for me and that I liked eating instead of those late night burgers! I was in search of the best tasting meal replacements I could find!

more on this tomorrow….                                TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-nine)

Looking back on the beginning of my examination of the choices I was making concerning health and nutrition, I’m surprised to recall that it really had nothing to do with what I called nutrition at all!  It wasn’t like I was looking for good herbalife diet plans!  The truth is, I was just not feeling like my regular self.  I was always feeling tired, and I noticed I was catching a lot of colds and the flu was an annual event that went on for weeks.

When I asked the doctor about it, he said it was always a good idea to get into better shape.  And when I asked what that meant exactly, he said that meant eating well, exercising some, drinking plenty of water and getting good rest.  So I thought that was simple enough!  What a piece of cake!

Well, that started a fairly long investigation into what it was going to take to get myself into “better shape”.  On my way to discovering cellular nutrition and my good herbalife health nutrition program, I discovered it was going to take a little more just changing what I chose for dinner.  And that, my friends, was a lot easier said than done!

more on this tomorrow….                                TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-eight)

Whenever I get into the discussion about personal choices concerning health and nutrition, I immediately turn to what I’ve learned through my personal experience.  I wasn’t always on a diet herbalife program.  And there’s actually been a number of changes in my life choices.

While I did work out some, and watched what I ate to a certain extent, I really didn’t feel all that great for the longest time.  And I honestly wondered if something was wrong with my health.  When I started catching every cold and virus that came along, I began to be seriously concerned!  So, I really started to take a look at everything I was doing when it came to my general health.  As you might imagine, many illuminating discoveries were made!

more on this tomorrow….                              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-seven)

Health, hygiene and nourishment are such important topics when it comes to lifestyle choices that the discussion about them will never stop. Obviously that’s why so many companies have been established to provide different products based on different theories concerning healthy living.

I strongly encourage you to really do some research about these healthy living choices.  Find the system that really makes you feel good with good energy, is convenient to stick to, and has a reasonable cost to it.  I know these were the things that led me to choose my diet herbalife program.  For me, once I took the time to really examine what was available, the only program that obviously stood out and had great nutritional value while meeting all my needs, was an herbalife cellular nutrition program like the one I’m on.

And, sure, there are numerous programs for healthy living out there on
today’s market.  But do spend some time examining them and discovering what works for you.  After all, you’re the one who will benefit from the effort you put into discovering what best supports your healthy living style!

more on this tomorrow….                               TurboSlim

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