My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-six)

Whatever your skin type, part of skin hygiene is taking care of all your skin including the body skin.  There are many types of skincare methods, treatments and products for the facial skin, but, except for very special cases, the body skincare is fairly straight forward.  It’s important to keep it clean above all.

If not washed, sweat secretions, dead skin cells and dust can form a layer of dirt on the surface of the skin that can produce a foul smell.  In general, healthy skin has microorganisms that stay in check and balance with each other to maintain the skins health.  If skin is excessively dirty, those healthy functions are disturbed and the release of antibacterial compounds decrease making the skin more vulnerable to developing infections.

Things that could cause allergic reactions with the skin, like certain cosmetic substances, should also be used carefully and cleansed thoroughly.  And while sunlight, water and air play important roles in maintaining healthy skin, ointments and screens should be used for protection against these elements.  But after use, they should be washed off
thoroughly.  Use a body buffing scrub herbalife offers, or something similar that scrubs away and exfoliates dead skin cells.  And, of course, find a good nourishing moisturizer, that suits your skin type, for replenishment afterwards.

more tomorrow….                                         TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-five)

Did you know that the aging of the skin is referred to as cutaneous aging?  Interesting label when there’s nothing cute about it!  And, further, there are two types of cutaneous aging categorized.  They are, intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging.  Intrinsic aging, also called chronologic aging, is caused by physiologically internal issues alone, while extrinsic aging, often called photoaging, is cause by numerous external factors.

External factors usually involve the environment around us.  Among them are common things like the ultra-violet radiation of the sun and air pollution!  So, there’s really nothing we can do about things that exist as a reality in our daily lives. But what we can do is find something for our skin that adjusts and works to lessen the negative effects of these conditions on our skin. For instance, something with a glucosamine complex that promotes elastin and collagen building is an excellent skin protectant.  And, since the most widespread documentation of skin damage and breakdown of collagen is sourced as coming from the uv rays of the sun, therefore photoaging, a good sunscreen containing collagen building nutrients is a great idea for daily use!

more on this tomorrow….                               TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-four)

Skin hygiene and proper cleansing of the skin is an important part of skincare because organisms that are bad for the skin can develop when skin is unclean.  Obviously, this leads us to seeking out good habits and regimens for our skin maintenance.  This applies to all skin types, and yes, some types require more attention than others but all types need watchful caring.

When looking for a good cleanser for your skin, be aware of what type skin you have.  If you have oily skin, you’ll want a cleanser that targets oils but doesn’t strip the skin’s natural protective moisture barrier.  If you have dry
skin, you’ll want to find a cleanser that dissolves impurities and dirt from the skin surface while deeply moisturizing the skin.

Whatever type skin you have, you need to make sure that it’s being nourished while you cleanse.  This makes for bright, beautiful looking healthy skin!  Often the type nourishment that’s needed is one that’s infused with vitamins and antioxidants similar to the programs presented by herbalife nourifusion.  Antioxidant vitamins like A, C and E can be
especially effective nutrients for the face!

more on this tomorrow….                              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-three)

Whenever I go to the beach, I’m extremely aware these days of what the sun can do to our skin!  Did you know the sun is the number one purveyor of skin aging?

The epidermis, our outer layer of skin, gives us our skin color and new skin cells.  Below this layer is the dermis, complete with glands, lymph and blood vessels, and happens to be almost all collagen for skin strength with a little elastin for suppleness.

The uv rays of the sun actually break down collagen and elastin.  Sadly, the sun also enhances the making of age spots through melanin production.  So, whatever parts of you that are always in the sun, like your hands and face, need protection.  That just makes sense, right?

The best way to delay the sun’s aging effect on your exposed skin is to wear and good SPF sunscreen everyday.  Herbalife skin activator is a classic example of what to use.  Make sure you find a nice day lotion containing the collagen building glucosamine complex that hydrates and firms skin, and has Parsol 1789 to provide uva/uvb protection!

more on this tomorrow….                                 TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-two)

With it happening to all of us, and no one liking it, what’s to be done about dull looking, aging skin?  While it’s the body’s largest organ, the skin performs numerous roles for each of us.  Among other things, the skin protects us against injury or water loss. It also senses when there are changes in the environment and helps to control body temperature.

With age, biochemical changes in our bodies trigger changes in our skin.  Lines and wrinkles begin to appear.  The skin is thinner, more brittle and begins to sag due to decreased collagen and elastin production.  This is why it’s important to protect you skin in return for the protection it gives you!  Believe me, both will benefit!

Seek out supplements and anti aging skincare remedies that enhance the elasticity and suppleness of your skin.  Anything that contains the new collagen building glucosamine complex like the one from Herbalife will do.  Just make sure whatever you use helps put the elastin, collagen and the youth back in your skin as naturally and organically as possible!

more on this tomorrow….                           TurboSlim

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