My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-one)

As I continue on my diet herbalife program and enjoy investigating all the ingredients, vitamins, minerals and botanical nutrients available for our bodies, I have to acknowledge that sometimes I’m a bit overwhelmed by what’s been happening to and for me!  It’s no joke that a lot has changed with me.

Just taking the health challenge that I did when starting my herbalife diet plans, demanded that I seriously structure my life into a regimen that would match the quality of the program I was undertaking.  That meant I would be eating properly and nutritiously, exercising, staying hydrated and electrolyte replenished and resting properly.  And, of course, to do all this would require a determined attitude with a focus on staying discipled while eliminating any habit that might work against me.

And you know what?  Like all human beings I’ve had a few set backs, but I find if I just pick myself up and continue on, it’s not long before I’m right back on schedule!  So far I’ve lost some weight, feel a lot better, and have a great energy level.  what could be more beautiful?!

In fact, that’s what comes to mind every time I reflect.  I seem to have found something truly beautiful.  I’ve become a charter member of the herbalife beauty club!

I highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested…

more tomorrow….                                           TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty)

In the world at large, and rapidly becoming more and more popular in the west, aloe vera is actually a big part of the food industry.  It shows up as food ingredients in jellies and yogurt, and in refreshing beverages for drinking as well as for digestives!  And it’s believed to be able to heal numerous conditions from the inside out…

Many parts of the world consider products from whole leaf aloe vera to be little miracles of medical effectiveness, chuck full of vitamins and minerals good for you in so many ways.  Reportedly, the aloe vera juice is taken from carefully selected three year old whole leaf aloe vera.  Aloin is processed out to eliminate bitterness and make sure the aloe functional components can be fully enjoyed and absorbed.  In some cases, like that of Herbal Aloe Concentrate, chamomile is added for it’s soothing digestive benefits.

Aloe vera juice is an excellent addition to any cellular nutrition program, especially when seeking support for your digestive system!

more tomorrow….                    TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-nine)

According to experts, free radicals are ions, atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons.  Radicals may not be charged, but in human physiology, unpaired electrons in cells are highly chemically reactive. Radicals, or free radicals, that are chemically reactive, are known to cause aging, degenerative diseases and cancers.

As I understand it, aging and degenerative diseases, according to Professor Denham Harman’s famous theory, are the result of oxidative damage caused by these free radicals.  And as we get older, the sum level of oxidative stress on our bodies continues to increase.

So, it makes perfect sense when  antioxidants are recommended as supplements for support in prevention of oxidative damage for better health.  Antioxidant properties can be found in vitamins such as A, C and E, and in certain herbs like schizandra, rosemary and numerous other plant extracts.

When seeking antioxidants that best suit your needs, make sure you find natural and organic supplements that fit well with a high quality cellular nutrition program!

more on this tomorrow….                            TurboSlim

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids Good for the Heart

Have you ever heard the term, essential fatty acids?  Essential fatty acids can be of tremendous importance to your cardiovascular health!  These “good” fatty acids come in the good kind of omega 3 fish oils.  Should you choose to supplement with fish oils, it’s important to find omega 3 fish oils showing they contain EPA and DHA on the label.

Recent clinical studies showed that DHA and EPA omega 3 benefits were profound for those given 4 grams per day. The trial went on for five years and those subjects given fatty acids with EPA and DHA had uniquely superior cardiovascular function.  Subjects with unhealthy cardiovascular health lowered both triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels by 45 to 50 per cent.  From the study, experts concluded that EPA is promising for prevention of coronary events, particularly non-fatal coronary events!

Taken in combination with Neptune krill oil, omega 3 fatty acids can provide powerful cardiovascular health support!

more tomorrow….                                           TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-seven)

What is Neptune krill oil?  Neptune krill oil comes from Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.  The Antarctic krill is abundant and the oil is extracted at low temperature.  Together with omega 3 benefits, it contains phospholipids that are unique. Neptune krill oil is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and astaxanthin antioxidants.  Some experts report it to be much higher in content of these antioxidants than fish oils.

Known for it’s support in heart health and lipid levels, it’s also believed to aid joints and other systems in the body while enhancing natural energy.  For these reasons, and because of it’s highly absorb-able form of omega 3 fatty acids, Neptune krill oil has become popularly used for supplementation in the United States.

more on this tomorrow….                                   TurboSlim

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