My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-six)

As I’ve said, cardiovascular health is of importance for anyone at any age.  And, yes, of course, it becomes increasingly important with age.  So, lets talk about why people, including myself and many of my herbalife colleagues, pay particular attention to the importance of  herbalife niteworks and nitric oxide.

Simply put, nitrogen monoxide, commonly know as Nitric Oxide (NO), is a molecule that blood vessels use to signal surrounding smooth muscle to relax which in turn triggers vasodilation for increased blood flow.  Well known heart attack aids like nitroglycerin and amyl nitrate are effective because they convert to nitric oxide when taken into the body.

So, now, doesn’t it make sense to take a supplement that could assist your body to naturally produce nitric oxide at night when nitric oxide levels are lowest in the body?  Numerous studies have indicated that heart attacks occur frequently first thing in the morning right after sleep.  This is when natural bodily produced nitric oxide is least available in the body.  So, yes, obviously it make sense to supplement with something that enhances personal nitric oxide production especially when you’re on a program of physical exertion!  With such supplements, together with a good cellular nutrition program, your energy and cardiovascular health are wisely promoted!

more tomorrow….                                         TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-five)

OK, so let’s say you’ve got started on a good cellular nutrition program, are feeling pretty good and have started to feel the desire to shape up!  Besides your diet herbalife program for nutrition, you’ll need some form of physical activity to put your newly discovered energy level to good use.  A good walk every day is an excellent way to begin.  And, believe it or not, at any age, it’s smart to pay attention to your cardiovascular system while exerting yourself.  And of course, particularly with aging, subjects like cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure will definitely come up.

Finding a supplement that enhances your cellular nutrition program in terms of cardiovascular health can be very important.  Not only should it be a good circulation booster promoting cardiovascular support and normal blood pressure, but it should promote youthfulness and elasticity in the blood vessels themselves.  The nitric oxide produced from the ingredients in herbalife niteworks can help accomplish all these things while simply being part of your herbalife diet plan.  Finding something like this can also be convenient to keep up with when it’s already supplemental to your chosen program.

more on this tomorrow….                                  TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fourty-four)

Did you know the circulatory system is actually considered an organ system?  What it does, while flowing through your body, is distribute nutrients like electrolytes, gases, amino acids and hormones.  It passes these substances to and from the cells of the body to perform such functions as fighting diseases, stabilize body temperature and overall support maintenance of normal body functions (called homeostasis).

Actually, there’s two kinds of fluids, not just blood, in the circulatory system.  There’s blood and lymph.  Your blood, heart and blood vessels make what’s referred to as the cardiovascular system, while lymph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels make up the lymphatic system. Together, the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems form the organ circulatory system.

Obviously, the circulatory system is an absolutely vital organ system needed for sustaining life.  So, for those who experience inadequate blood pressure, a good natural circulation booster can be of great value.  While there are scores of products claiming to be instant remedies for blood pressure levels, it’s probably more advantages to find something one can take consistently as a supplement fitting a cellular nutrition program that will introduce and maintain it’s benefits evenly over time.

more on this tomorrow….                             TurboSlim

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Just Relax

We have all experienced skeletal pain caused by injuries, a bad medical condition or even just a bad sleeping position.  We will see a doctor if we think it is a serious condition.  But in some cases, we just reach out for a muscle relaxer to ease our pain.

Muscle relaxers act on the Central Nervous System (CNS) to relax muscles, ease pain and reduce stiffness.  Muscle relaxers are among the more common modern day medications prescribed to people with pain.  It can also be said that muscle relaxers are abused often in the sense that people tend to just pop them into their mouths when they feel some muscular stiffness or pain. While it is deemed effective, these drugs are also notorious for side effects.  Examples are drowsiness or dizziness, dry mouth, urinary retention or even possible addiction.

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (Part forty-three)

When you do choose appropriate energy boosters that are natural and organic, after a time, you will begin to experience a higher sustained energy level throughout your day.  I found that once I began experiencing that boost in metabolism, I actually was inspired to begin being more physically active.  Many of my colleagues that are on the same type diet herblife program I am, have been moved to do the same. So I think it’s a common occurrence.  Somehow we all feel better after physical activity of some sort. Just clearing the lungs and getting the blood flowing is energizing!

And, if you’re starting to get up in years, you’ll want to be a bit careful about overdoing it!  Always make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water and electrolytes.  And, you might want to think about muscle recovery protein drinks,  if you’re working out and working muscles, with some sort of glucosamine joint support.  Most experts agree that supplements containing glucosamine hcl are excellent cartilage re-generators and restorers of joint performance.

Being smart about your physical activities always means supporting your physical program with proper nutrition, hydration, and rest.  Good natural supplementation is also a great way to support your nutrition and help protect against any unnecessary pulls and strains.

more tomorrow….                                    TurboSlim

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