My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-two)

One of the main concerns we all share on a daily basis is having enough energy to accomplish what we need to get done on any given day.  And we’re all aware that there are many products offered on the market today that guarantee an energy boost second to none.  But what I looked for in my diet herbalife program was a natural sustained energy that wasn’t drug induced.

Now, if you’re pursuing weight  loss, sustained energy is very important.  It takes a well nourished and therefore energized metabolism to burn the calories you need to maintain or lose the desired weight.  So how do we accomplish this without feeling that “jittery” kind of energy that comes from unnatural substances that aren’t really good for us?  After all, the caffeine from coffee is not really all that good for people.  Yet, especially if you’re working, doing your daily errands and also trying to manage your weight, an energy lift can be highly valued support.

So, when it comes to energy boosters, natural or organic is the best way to go.  There are many products of tea extracts, such as Oolong, Green, Black and Pekoe, that contain a modicum of natural caffeine and will promote a natural thermogenic boost to the metabolism while burning calories.  And, there are some good sports energy drinks available that are good for energy, hydration and electrolyte replenishment.  Another natural thermogenic can be found in guarana.  Guarana comes from a bush that natives in South America have used for centuries.  Guarana has been know to naturally boost energy, sustain energy and provide mood enhancing qualities.  N-R-G, found from herbalife, comes in guarana energy pills and tea form. I’ve incorporated it as part of my herbalife supplement program and have found it to be an excellent non abrasive and natural energy supporter.

more tomorrow….                                      TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-one)

A little more on kids nutrition…  While it’s true that we’ve all become continually aware of the importance of good nutrition for everyone, including our children, the sad fact remains that some kids only get balanced, nutritious meals at school.

And wonderfully, programs like the “Special Milk Program”, “National School Lunch Program” and the “National School Breakfast Program” feed millions of kids properly everyday.  Programs like these got started  as early as the fifties and were eventually signed into law by President Johnson under the “Child Nutrition Act” (CNA) in 1966.  When signing, the President remarked, “good food is essential to good learning.”

But reflecting on all this brings to ones attention that these programs are long lived.  Many budget cuts and changes have occurred, not to mention the national meal requirement standards have not been updated in over a decade.  Revisions are not expected to be funded as requested by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.  So, this brings responsibilities back to the home  and parents of each child. I strongly urge anyone who is responsible for young growing children and infants to do their best to make sure those kids get at least their minimum required nutrients for healthy growth.

Again, be aware that there are plenty of drink mix powder vitamins, liquid vitamins and chewables that form multivitamins and multivite complexes that are not only easy but enjoyable for everyone to take, even children.  Help  insure all of our futures by seeing the young growing people around you are fed the proper nutrition.  And, as always, for obvious reasons, I feel any nutrition program that adheres to the principle of cellular nutrition will be the most effective.

more tomorrow….                                    TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty)

While we’re traversing the path of my diet herbalife program investigation, it’s occurred to me not to forget the importance of optimum nutrition for the younger growing organisms.  Our kids!  And what could be a better time to bring this up than Mother’s Day weekend!  I know all the super moms out there are super interested in this topic!

It’s important to always keep in mind that without proper diet and nutrition, serious complications can manifest in a young growing persons body.  These complications won’t only show up in the bones or the skin.  In the long run, malnourishment in kids will impede normal development of the brain which will effect their ability to learn!  Remember, if our children are not healthy, neither is our future!

There are numerous kinds of multiple vitamins available for everyone.  So, it’s fairly easy and inexpensive to make sure minimum requirements of daily nutrients are met.  Concentrate on the basic food groups, of course, but be safe by enhancing the diet with vitamins, minerals and botanical nutrients to ensure daily requirements with powder mixed drinking vitamins, liquid vitamins and/or chewable vitamins that are easy for your kids to take!  They’ll thank you and love you forever, mom!

more on this tomorrow….                                TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-nine)

The word, “enhance” is defined in the dictionary as to increase or improve, as in value or desirability, to heighten, intensify, magnify.  The reason I bring this up is that in my diet herbalife supplements program, there are numerous supplements that make up a group called enhancers.  And, these supplements are designed in a way that does enhancement just like the dictionary calls it!

While there are many supplements to talk about, and we will in time, I’ve been looking at what makes these dietary supplements enhancers.  The natural fat burners obviously aid the diet by adding energy to metabolize unwanted fat and/or calories faster.  Moving on, there are a couple of enhancers that are designed to help with assimilation of nutrients so as to maximize the nutrition you get from your food.

These enhance the process of thorough digestion.  For instance, cell activator contains aloe vera, pycnogenol antioxidant and select botanicals to promote the possibility of essential micronutrients absorption at the cellular level.  This in turn optimizes metabolic efficiency for high natural energy.  Aminogen contains patented select enzymes, available only from herbalife, to assimilate proteins into essential nutrient amino acids while avoiding bloating or discomfort that often accompanies protein digestion.  This, in turn, helps your body make the most of the much needed protein you take in.

So far we’ve seen that some herbalife enhancers aid fat burning while others help with optimal nutrient digestion.  And, all of them seem to aid metabolism efficiency for heightened cellular energy.

Guess what?  There’s more!

more on this tomorrow….                                TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-eight)

Delving further into my diet herbalife program investigation has brought a new word to my attention.  So, here’s what I’ve learned so far about “Thermogenesis.”

A process that creates heat through metabolic stimulation in an organism would come under the heading of Thermogenesis.  Since a metabolic “rev” producing organic heat is associated with calorie or fat burning, one can easily see how the nickname “fat burners” got started!   But thermogenisis can be caused several different ways, all metabolic boosts producing organic heat.  These ways categorize the different types of thermogenesis. Essentially, there is exercise, non-exercise, and diet associated thermogenesis.   Thermogenesis that is not initiated by locomotion of the muscles, including shivering, may be classified as diet induced thermogenesis.

Diet enhancement supplements like herbalife total control, herbal tea concentrate and N-R-G are good examples of supplements designed to induce artificial thermogenisis to help control weight management.  The important thing to be aware of here is that no herbalife supplements are drugs.  These citrus aurantium and ephedra free thermogenic supplements can be considered to be natural fat burners.  And that’s a very good thing!

more on this tomorrow….                                   TurboSlim

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