My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-seven)

As I continue down the winding path of my diet herbalife program investigation, some information came to light that was of interest and even gave me still more confidence in my program.

Any product that is meant to be added to a meal for enhancement of nutrition can be called a dietary supplement.  But, by definition in the United States, under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), a substance qualifies as a dietary supplement when it contains an herb or botanical nutrients, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, concentrates, extracts, constituents, metabolites or any combination of the herein mentioned.  Presently, some hormones and steroids are also marketed in the US as dietary supplements.

As of June, 2010, through the responsibility given by the DSHEA to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all producers and manufacturers of dietary supplements, including herbalife supplements, are required to ensure the FDA that they are in compliance with current good manufacturing practices with controls that result in supplement production free of contamination and with accurate labeling.  In addition, the entire supplementation industry is required to report to the the FDA “all serious dietary supplement related adverse events.”

I find it reassuring that the manufacturers of my program are dedicated to such quality control!  Now to look further into these great supplements!

more on this tomorrow….                              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-six)

For some days now, we’ve been discussing programs for healthy living.  We’ve included the importance of efficient, good nutrition, physical activity, re-hydration, proper rest and recovery, as well as discipline.  I want to acknowledge that without a doubt we are all different. Yet, without doubt, we are all human and so we do have a common thread amongst us when is comes to nutrition.  So here’s a general rule of thumb about nutrition for humans:  Take in nutrients in the calorie amount required to maintain a healthy body mass and avoid a lack of physical activity!  In most cases, it’s that simple.  That’s really all that’s required for optimal health!

Now, for some, concepts about dieting and exercise and discipline are much easier said than done, I know…  So, just for a start, find a good Body Mass Index calculator (there’s a good one at <>, find out what weight will put you in the “healthy” zone and start to picture what it would take to get yourself moving in that direction.  From there, begin to adjust your calorie intake to get you towards that weight.  Don’t forget to maintain some sort of physical activity and drink plenty of water.  The body can’t stay healthy on diet alone any more that it can survive on water alone or bread alone.  Physical activity, nourishment and water are all necessary for healthy sustenance. When taking care of yourself correctly, consistency, discipline and a good attitude can play a huge part.

You see, all healthy nutrition programs, even herbalife health nutrition, require a determined attitude.  Your consistency and personal will are just as important as everything else it takes to make an improvement in your healthy living!

more tomorrow….                                   TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thiry-five)

Should you choose to actually work out, as in running or weight lifting during weight management or just getting into shape, all the basic essential elements of a good healthy living program apply.  Perhaps even more so because of the extra physical work you’re putting your body through.  And, in this case, never has protein been more important.  Protein is the essential nutrient for maintaining and growing muscle tissue and developing good muscle mass.  And, since that’s a fact, you might find yourself wanting to eat more because your body is craving nourishment for those broken down muscles from your workouts.  A certain amount of extra hunger would be expected after strenuous workouts.  But make no mistake, it’s still, and probably even more, important than before that you get optimal efficient nutrition like that provided by cellular nutrition.

Why?  Because you need to replenish nutrients to those worked muscles and your energy so you can recover the strength for your next workout.  And the more optimally efficient you can nourish yourself, the more gain from your workouts!  Gains will show up in you energy level, strength, stamina, performance and yes, even your attitude.  Believe me, I know from my own experience.  There are many bulk and muscle formulas out on today’s market.  Looks like the best whey protein powder and soy protein powder come as supplements for programs that support cellular nutrition!  In my opinion, that’s the way to go!

more on this tomorrow….                             TurboSlim

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Aloe through History

Aloe vera has been used for the treatment of dry skin for thousands of years. According to ancient books Cleopatra used aloe vera lotion to protect her skin from the sun. The Egyptians also used aloe vera in the embalming of bodies. In the 6 B.C., the Greek physician Dioscorides used aloe vera to treat a wide variety of medical ailments like constipation, kidney problems and burns to the skin.

In modern times, aloe vera juice and lotion are often used to speed the healing process of the skin. Experts say that radiation burns can benefit from topical aloe vera treatment. Irritated skin that itches and swells may also be soothed by aloe vera.

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-four)

One of the most rehabilitating elements of my diet herbalife experience, has been making sure I get the proper amount of good rest.  When it comes to recovery, and rest, we’re all different.  And there are different kinds of recovery, like muscle recovery if you work out too.  And we’ll discuss that later.  Right now, I’m talking about the good sleep.  The proper rest for the whole body.  And, yes, some need more than others.  We really are different here.  I, for instance seem to need a little less than others.  But it will vary with everyone.  The point is to discover what the proper amount of sleep is for you and make sure your consistently get it.  This is highly beneficial to the effectiveness of any program you choose!

And, if you are weight managing and staying active, you’re going to need that rest to keep up your program.  Sometimes you can be so worn out while keeping up you disciplines, it’s actually hard to sleep!  Aches and pains from your chosen activities can keep you from sleeping soundly.  If this situation occurs, often good muscle relaxers can be very effective and helpful towards your rest.  Here I will say,  I’m truly in favor of using them if they are natural muscle relaxers that support sleep.  There are many muscle relaxant products on today’s market, so please be careful about finding one that’s organic and natural.

So, besides good rest, what about the other kind of recovery?

more on this tomorrow….                             TurboSlim

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