My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-three)

When you’ve started the big challenge of weight management, and we all know it can be a major challenge, it’s important that you get to eat something you like.  Yep, just like little kids, we all want something we like to eat!  And it’s important that you don’t set yourself up for punishment just because you’re watching your calorie intake!  In fact, it’s better to feel your rewarding yourself by treating yourself to something tasty!  This way, you’ll actually feel like eating the things you’re supposed to, that are good for you, and not cheat your diet.

To my way of thinking, you must find meals and meal replacements that not only fulfill your nutritional needs, but taste great.  Today’s market is loaded with diet meals and substitute meals.  Please make sure you hunt down, and treat yourself to, the best tasting meal replacements you can find.  And, for obvious reasons, I strongly recommend any meal replacement that is dedicated to the principle of cellular nutrition!

more tomorrow….                                     TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program (part thirty-two)

So, when you’re on a weight loss diet, and you’re being disciplined about doing all the right things, like solid nutrition, physical activity, re-hydration, good rest, and keeping a structured plan, what kinds of nutrients will help sustain you through the transition into good condition?  As we all know, the proper portions from all food groups are essential for your cells to recover and still provide the energy one needs to simply get through the day.  One of the most effective nutrients for avoiding hunger during weight management,  is protein.

A healthy portion of protein can curb hunger and keep you going and not wanting to cheat your diet.  High protein snacks exist all over today’s market.  And wonderful protein shakes are available as healthy meal replacements.  Be sure to explore these possibilities when planing out the days eating schedule.  You’ll find they can help you stay on course when you’re wanting to stray!

more on this tomorrow….                              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-one)

If you’re going to lose weight, you’ll need to be at least a little active.  You might want to join a gym, or enroll in some kind of exercise or stretch class.  Or even a dance class.  You know, something that makes you physically move!

And when you involve yourself in activity, you’re going to deplete some of your fluids.  That would be not only water, but also something called electrolytes.  With any physical activity, comes the importance of replenishing bodily fluids including electrolyte replenishment.  Dehydration and loss of electrolytes can be the source of dizziness, headaches and muscle cramps among other things.  So always, always drink plenty of water and find some some sort of electrolyte replenishment thirst quencher.  This is an absolute must when exerting yourself!

more tomorrow….                              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty)

When I first started my diet herbalife program, I wasn’t really looking for much other than feeling better and having more energy.  And, yes, it did seem to boost energy quite well and quickly too!  But, because I started having a little more pep and energy, I started looking into why I was having these results and how could I make them something I could count on.  That’s when I came face to face with the issue of weight loss.

You see, I really wasn’t looking for an herbalife weight loss diet, I was looking for a “healthy living plan”.  But what I hadn’t realized was, that with cellular nutrition and the little physical activity I was doing at the time, I had started to lose a little weight!  And I was feeling better and more energetic!

So that’s what got me looking into all the elements of what I think is an effective healthy living program including weight management!

more on this tomorrow….                         TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-nine)

According to today’s science, for humans, nutrition is essentially defined as the seven different substances required for sustenance of life in the human body.  Those substances are: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water.  This is fairly common knowledge.  But what hasn’t seemed to find common ground, is our thinking about nutrition and what keeps us healthy, even more so, the habits with which we approach nutrition, health and life sustenance.  For instance, contrary to popular belief, whatever makes us feel full is not necessarily the most nutritious food we can ingest. And, unlimited amounts of food eaten at any given time is not the best way to go either!

To manage one’s health, one must manage his body, and bodily functions.  A big part of that is managing the amount of weight one carries.  And when it comes to weight management, efficient nutrition is the key!  Often, to bring one’s over-all weight into healthy balance with height and age, one must bring their over-all metabolism (or functionality) into efficiency.  This implies that it’s best to gain maximum nutrition from whatever you digest without gaining unwanted weight.  Often such things as low carb meal replacements can be very helpful for good healthy energy while managing weight.  Their are numerous meal replacements on the market today.  Make sure you get one that not only feeds the cells the daily required nutrients, but can sustain your energy without unnecessary calories!

That’s right!  In many instances, weight loss is the needed program!

more on this tomorrow….                                  TurboSlim

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