My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-three)

Well, now that I’ve started on this investigation into the uses of glucosamine, I’ve find it leading me to those that have gone before me down the herbalife trail.  And, when it comes to the anti aging skincare products, I find myself speaking with the ones who mostly use this herbalife skin activator line. While I use the spf skin activator moisturizer for sun screen, it is apparently the women who consistently use this complete product line.

I will say that looking into this has made me take notice of all the beautiful, glowing skin around me! “It’s our herbalife beauty“, they say when complimented.  And, yes, when I ask, they all say that they are big fans of the very popular glucosamine complex!

more on this tomorrow….                       TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-two)

Why use glucosamine?  As my diet herbalife program research has led me to learn about glucosamine, I’m finding out there’s a lot of information to sift through!  With somewhat conflicting evidence about its effectiveness,
glucosamine remains the popular, preferred choice for possible prevention of joint cartilage degeneration.  So with that, we know its considered the go to supplement targeted to aid osteoarthritis.  And to that end, glucosamine is often presented with chondroitin sulfate in combination.  With its popularity intact, and the vast majority of people choosing to use glucosamine continually, one can only conclude that on some level it’s working well for them!

But there’s a whole other world that glucosamine is also part of!  It’s also an ingredient in certain cosmetic products! It is said that hydrolyzed collagen is used for its anti aging skincare moisturizing properties.  And I’m seeing now that a special glucosamine complex is a key element in a new and very popular collagen building anti aging skincare product line!  How about that?!

more on this tomorrow….                         TurboSlim

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Nurture your joints naturally

What is glucosamine?  Glucosamine is actually an amino sugar and prominent in biochemical synthesis of glycosylated protein and lipids.  It’s found to be part of the chemical structure that makes up exoskeletons of crustaceans, other arthropods, fungi cell walls and many of the higher organisms.  Glucosamine is abundant and is produced commercially mostly through hydrolysis of crustacean exoskeletons.  It can also be made through the fermentation of a grain like corn or wheat.

In the United States, glucosamine is very popular and very commonly used.  Among other things, it is widely believed to be excellent support for the joints.  In conjuction with chondroitin (an important substance composing cartiledge) glucosamine has been clinically proven to help joint health.  As a dietary supplement, glucosamine chondriotin is among the most frequently chosen non-mineral, non-vitamin supplements used by adults.

more on this tomorrow….                          TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty)

Why take vitamins?  In no uncertain terms, vitamins are vitally necessary for a multicellular organism’s development and growth.  For instance, a baby modeling his parental genetic blueprint, develops from the nutrients he absorbs starting at the moment of conception.

These nutrients include certain vitamins that are required in the proper amount at certain times to promote healthy development.  Vitamin deficiencies, among other areas, can cause problems with the skin, bones or muscle.  Even small or minor deficiencies can cause permanent damage.

To this end, vitamins are available in many forms on today’s market, making it fairly easy to obtain one’s minimum daily requirements.  Besides tablets, powders, drink mixes, capsules, and chewables for everyone, there are also liquid vitamins to choose from.  Liquid vitamins are obviously known to facilitate and help insure an infants daily requirements.

more tomorrow….                           TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part nineteen)

What are vitamins?  Vitamins are defined as “organic compounds required as nutrients in tiny amounts by an organism.”  The name “vitamin” is actually from a combination of the words “vital” and “amine.”  And, these micronutrient food factors which prevented dietary deficiency diseases, like beriberi, were considered to possibly be chemical amines.

Turned out vitamins proved to be in a category of their own and the name was shortened to “vitamin.”  Now, when a chemical compound  must be acquired through diet and cannot be synthesized in sufficient amount by an organism, it is called a vitamin.  Other essential nutrients including certain minerals needed for diet, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids do not fall within the vitamin category.

There are many vitamins available on today’s market.  They can be acquired individually in bulk, or in a multivitamin complex.  There are also numerous multivite complexes that target specific groups such as men, women and children.  It is considered important that a required daily amount of essential vitamins are ingested for proper healthy nutrition.

more on this tomorrow….                       TurboSlim

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