My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part eighteen)

What is Schizandra?  It’s Chinese name literally means “nothern five flavor berry”.  It was named that way because it possesses the five basic flavors: salty, spicy(pungent), bitter, sweet and sour.  It’s berries come from a deciduous woody vine that is native to Northern China and the Far East part of Russia.

Schizandra is considered to be one of the fundamental herbs, of which there are fifty, used in traditional Chinese medicine.  It is believed to nourish the kidneys, prevent excessive sweating, calm the spirit, and alleviate thirst by generating bodily fluids.  The tea made from dried schizandra is used as a tonic for liver protection.

more tomorrow….                            TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventeen)

What is aloe vera?  Aloe vera is a succulent plant species that is believed to have originated in Northern Africa, the Canary islands and Cape Verde.  Aloe vera is often referred to as the medicinal aloe and has become popular for uses in herbal medicine.  Well suited for growth in arid climates, it is widely used in such locations as Africa and India.  It’s popularity in herbal medicines has long ago spread to China, Japan, Russia, South Africa and the United States.

The presence of certain compounds in aloe vera have given it a reputation for being highly useful when dealing with burn or wound healing, or elevated blood lipids and diabetes.  Consequently, aloe vera juice and gels are avidly used for topical as well as internal bodily issues.

more tomorrow….                      TurboSlim


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My Friend Ron’s Herbalife Niteworks Experience (part three)

What did my exercise program and taking herbalife niteworks have to do with Ron’s ailing leg?  Well, after the operation was declared a failure, Ron was scared and very worried that he would lose his left leg below the knee.  We spoke about this at length.  Ron was very saddened by the possibility of not taking his daily walks with his wife or his mountain hikes.

I really don’t know what made me suggest that Ron try niteworks, because I know that no herbalife products are considered medicine, drugs, or “cures” for any illness.  But I’d heard that herbalife niteworks promotes the production of nitric oxide in the body and has a positive effect on vascular and circulatory health.  That’s why I was taking it for support with all the exercise I was doing.  I told him since nothing seemed to be working, it might be worth a shot!  He agreed.

Two months later, the doctors at the bay area medical center were giving Ron the “third degree” about what he’d been doing differently?!  He told them the only thing he’d changed was that he was taking herbalife niteworks.  Why were the doctors so intensely curious?  Because Ron’s lower left leg had gone from registering no detectable blood pressure level, to indicating that he now had forty-three per cent normal blood flow and the leg was improving!  The doctors told Ron whatever he was doing to keep doing it because he was out of the woods for now!

That was a couple years ago.  I can’t say that I understand what happened.  Ron’s condition truly seemed dire enough not to be curable.  Who’s to know how long his recovery will last?  And I don’t know if the same results would happen for someone else.  But I know Ron would say not to hesitate giving it a try!

Till this day, Ron takes his walks with his wife and his hikes in the mountains.  He called just the other day.  He’d just returned home from his latest check up.  He wanted to tell me he’d gone from fifty-one per cent, measured six months ago, to seventy-three per cent normal blood pressure in his leg!

Do you believe in miracles?

more tomorrow….                       TurboSlim

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My Friend Ron’s Herbalife Niteworks Experience (part two)

My friend Ron is an elderly man who stays very active outdoors.  He’s one of the few real mountain men I’ve ever known.  He love’s taking his hikes in the high Sierra’s where he lives.

But one day he started having intense pain in his lower left leg.  After days of working through the pain, he was finally overcome and went to see the doctor.  He was sent to a large medical center in the bay area where experts were waiting to check him out.  There he was told that the veins in his lower leg were collapsing because there was no blood pressure registering.  They immediately tried to clear the veins of plaque to restore blood flow.  It didn’t work.  From there he went through an operation that actually attempted replacing a collapsed artery with a large vein.  The doctors hoped that it would restore enough blood flow to at least save the leg.  It wasn’t long before the pain was back and the operation was considered unsuccessful.  He was told that if things didn’t improve, the leg might need to be amputated below the knee.

It appeared that what Ron needed was some kind of circulation booster.  As it turns out, quite by coincidence, a few months before I’d started my diet herbalife program and had been using herbalife niteworks to support good circulation.  I felt that was a good idea because I was on a high level exercise program and I too was getting older.  But what did that have to do with Ron and his leg?

more on this tomorrow….                 TurboSlim

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My Friend Ron’s Herbalife Niteworks Experience (part one)

Known as NO, nitric oxide is actually a colorless, oderless gas known as a “signaling” molecule.  A signaling molecule is defined as, “a chemical involved in transmitting information between cells. Such molecules are released from the cell sending the signal, cross over the gap between cells, and interact with receptors in another cell, triggering a response in that cell.”

Nitric oxide is also important in the chemical industry and is a toxic air pollutant produced by cigerettes, car engines and power plants. It was also declared “molecule of the year” in 1994 by the highly respected journal, “Science”.

Turns out appropriate levels of nitric oxide production in the body can be instrumental in protecting organs from damage.  But what does all this have to do with my friend Ron and having his leg amputated?

more of this tomorrow….                  TurboSlim

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