Omega 3 fatty acids in krill oil?

What is krill oil?  Similar to fish oil, krill oil comes from a species of krill called Euphausia superba.  And like fish oil, it’s considered to be an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids.

A relatively new source of omega 3 fatty acids, some claims have been made that support the superiority of krill oil as a source of omega 3!   For instance, some claim that krill is less susceptible to contamination than fish.   Plus, it is claimed that krill oil contains a special antioxidant called astaxanthin.

more tomorrow….                           TurboSlim

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Help your heart with Omega 3

Physical activity can be very rewarding to your health.  No doubt about it, working out can make you simply look and feel better. And, of course, it’s great for your cardiovascular system.

One of the best ways to support your cardiovascular health, especially during weight loss, is to supplement your diet with the good kind of fish oil.  Most experts agree that the DHA and EPA in omega 3 benefits the reduction of blood triglyceride levels and, taken regularly, reduces the risk of heart attack.  Currently there are many products on the market claiming to contain the good kind of fish oils, but they don’t.  Check the label of a fish oil supplement before purchase to make sure it contains omega 3 fatty acids with EPA and DHA!

more on this tomorrow….                   TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fourteen)

Thinking about the importance of physical activity got me remembering about the cramps I used to get after running.  I asked the doctor about that and she told me I needed to make sure I had enough electrolytes in my system. She was proud of me for exercising but warned that I needed to stay hydrated with enough electrolytes to avoid cramping up.

Apparently there are several types of dehydration and the most common experienced by humans is called isotonic dehydration which causes an equal loss of water and electrolytes (particularly sodium).  This can cause cramping in the legs like I used to get.  It’s important to remember that when your being physically active or exercising, re-hydration and electrolyte replenishment is vital to maintaining your healthy active metabolism!

more on this tomorrow….           Turboslim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirteen)

Considering and investigating all elements of my diet herbalife program has led me to taking some time to examine the overall elements of this legitimate weight management regimen.  And in order for this program to be genuinely effective, besides being attentive to good cellular nutrition, we must also make sure not to allow a lack of physical activity to enter into our life’s habits.  Healthy nutrition and physical exercise go together like bread and water.  We can’t live on one and not the other!  So make sure that on some level you stay physically active, and please drink plenty of water always!

Now, for those who choose to work out, or jog, or hike or exercise regularly, like me, muscle strains, pulls and soreness can be a common experience.  When these ailments occur, the value of good, naturally pain relieving muscle relaxers become clearly evident.  A natural muscle relaxant can be very effective and useful without taxing your system through the use of inorganic substances.  I’ve found that muscle relaxers containing the chinese herb Dong Quai are the most universally effecive.  Good for women and men, Dong Quai relieves any type of pain including lower back pain, arthritis, even headaches or migraines.  Many women choose it for relief of menstrual aches and pains!

more on this tomorrow….              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twelve)

Digestion is defined as the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food into smaller components, a break down of larger food molecules into smaller ones for absorption, for instance into the blood stream.

We’re all aware that some foods go down easier than others, and that during digestion, some foods cause different reactions in each of us.  That’s what causes people to seek certain things to help the digestive process.  And there’s almost as many different digestive aids on the market as there are different types of food nutrients!

Digesting protein is a good example.  Protein is a vital part of the human diet needed for the amino acids it provides.  Some people experience a bloated sensation, or even gastric discomfort, after taking a meal containing protein.  My diet herbalife program has led me to trying a number of things for digestion in general as well as for absorbing amino acids from protein.  Overall I’ve found ginger extract soothing to the digestive system.  Aminogen assists the breaking down of protein into amino acids more smoothly and relieves discomfort.  And I’ve found natural aloe vera juice to give a sense of healing throughout the whole digestive tract!

more on this tomorrow….                    TurboSlim

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