My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part eleven)

With the nineteenth century came the discovery of amino acids.  French chemists, Pierre Jean Robiquet and Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin managed to isolate the compound asparagine from asparagus as early as 1806.  This was the first amino acid discovered.

Amino acids are supplied by protein which is one of the six nutrient categories the body needs. Amino acids from protein must be absorbed from food in order to build and maintain healthy body tissue and muscle mass.

While such foods as milk and eggs often contain all essential amino acids, these acids also exist in plant foods when taken together in variety.  Protein from soy and whey have become a popular way to fulfill the daily amount of protein needed particularly during weight loss.  The best whey protein powder and soy protein powder are often used in meal replacement protein shakes and nutrient supplementation as aids in diet programs.

more on this tomorrow….                       TurboSlim

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What is Guarana?

Guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon basin, and extremely common in Brazil. The plant has large leaves, clusters of flowers, and produces a fruit about the size of a coffee berry. Inside each fruit is one seed that contains approximately five times as much caffeine as a coffee bean.

The use of guarana, which was commercialized in 1958, has become extremely popular in energy drinks and teas in the United States and in sodas in Mexico and Brazil. Recently, companies have also started utilizing the fruit in guarana energy pills. It’s been shown to temporarily increase energy and mental alertness, though it can cause jitters. Guarana holds a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status in the United States, though some disagree as to how safe it is.

Not only does the plant aid in energy, but guarana comes with its own mythology. The fruit is red, and the seed inside is black, surrounded by white. When cracked open, the fruit looks like an eyeball. According to a Satere-Maue tribe myth, guarana was created when a deity killed a village child. To console the villagers, a different god plucked out the child’s left eye and planted it in the forest to create different varieties of guarana; he then plucked out the child’s right eye and planted it in the village to create domesticated guarana.

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Dieting the Easy Way

In my experience, there’s no method that allows you to lose weight through dieting that doesn’t require any lifestyle changes on your part.  However, you can achieve natural weight loss just by changing what you eat, rather than eating less.  I’ve found that there are many low carb meal replacements work well for losing weight.  While they don’t leave you as satisfied as eating a full meal, having a shake will stave off hunger and leave you feeling full until your next meal.  In addition, most meal replacement shakes contain essential vitamins and minerals that will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The problem with most weight loss programs is that they starve you and because you’re hungry you end up making poor decisions. With this kind of a system you won’t be hungry all the time, and you’ll be able to make better decisions about what you do eat in addition to your shakes!

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part ten)

Made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, green tea originated in China and has spread to numerous cultures from Asia to the Middle East.  Recently it has become more popular in the West.  Through recent decades, numerous medical and scientific studies  have indicated that green tea may lower chances of heart disease from cardiovascular and cholesterol issues.  It’s also been claimed as useful for weight loss management and stimulating fat oxidation.

When extracts of dried green tea leaves are mixed with other extracts from black and oolong teas, not only does it have enough caffeine to be considered a legitimate metabolism and energy booster, but tests have indicated such a mixture can lower cholesterol. Such mixtures have been popularly used in healthy energy drinks such as herbal concentrate tea, sports drinks and herbal weight loss supplements.

I had my answer!  Herbalife total control is definitely an energy builder and metabolism booster contributing to the great energy boost I was experiencing while I was losing weight!

more next time we meet….               TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part nine)

When I started my herbalife advanced program, I had been told to be ready for some noticeable changes if I didn’t cheat and truly did the program.  And when I asked those who had gone before me about the energy boost, the first thing they consistently mentioned was, “cellular nutrition”.  But my herbalife friends always had more to say.

“You know there’s a lot of ingredients in those best tasting meal replacements that help sustain a good energy level, but there’s other energy boosters in the enhancers as well”!  I’d heard that total control was not only herbalife’s natural fat burner without ephedra, but that it’s a real energy booster.  What did heralife total control have to do with boosting energy?

more on this tomorrow….                TurboSlim

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