A Day At The Beach

A day at the beach is a great way to take a break!  It does wonders for the soul.  Something about the salt air that energizes you.  I don’t know if this happens to you, but when I peer out over the vast Pacific, I experience the infinitesimal and the infinite all in the same moment.  And it takes me to that zone where I deeply relax.

I look forward to starting my investigation into herbalife total control tomorrow.  I’ve heard it has something to do with naturally burning fat calories.  I’m sure it’ll have its unique mysteries like everything else in this herbalife health nutrition world!

In the meantime, I’m sure glad I brought my herbalife skin activator spf 15 along.  On such a beautiful day, being a creature slightly on the “fair” side, I could burn up like a strip of bacon!

more on this tomorrow….                TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Prgram Experience (part eight)

Now heavily ensconced in the depth of my investigation, I found myself probing through the stacks of literature on cell activation, cell nourishment, cellular nutrition, and on…  What I really wanted to find out was a simple explanation of why my personal energy had gone up and why I was feeling so good!  Was it the low carb meal replacements, the high quality protein shakes or what?!  I mean, of course I really didn’t mind, I was thrilled but really curious about what was happening to me!  And I wanted to know for sure how I could continue to help myself feel so healthy!  My answer came when listening to a scientist talk about cell activator and the plight of our efficient nourishment.  Turns out my answer was “all of the above”.

Of course!  One of the first things mentioned, the villi and nutrient absorption.  Apparently, through ingesting bad fatty substances and/or a lot of greasy foods, like that in a lot of fast food restaurants of our culture, the little finger like tentacles called villi have been somewhat pasted over and are not projecting out enough to be efficiently absorptive!  Consequently, with inefficient nutrient absorption at the cellular level (our energy source), comes poor energy overall.  This can lead to a doctor appointment with fatigue being the issue.  Cell activator was designed to specifically repair the condition of the villi to increase efficient absorption of mineral, vitamin and food intake.  The higher quality vitamins, minerals and foods you eat, the higher the possibility for healthy nutrition and well being.  The more efficiently you absorb high quality food nutrients, the more efficient your energy will be from your cells up!  I was eating right and absorbing those quality nutrients efficiently!  That’s why I was feeling so great!

Having solved the mystery of what cell activator had to do with cellular nutrition, I decided to celebrate and take a day at the beach.  Then I decided I’d investigate “total control” next!

more on this tomorrow….             TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seven)

OK!  So cellular nutrition means feeding each cell optimally.  So then, if we eat all the right foods won’t that take care of it?  It would certainly seem so.  But then I remembered a scary statistic I’d heard.  It said facts regarding nutrition in the United States as stated by the American Medical Association showed that only one out of one hundred Americans can assimilate and absorb food properly!  So then I got to thinking it made sense to make sure I was absorbing as much of the nutrients as I could from the low carb meal replacements I was taking!

And that led me to one of the other mysterious words I was befuddled by.  “Villi” are described in the dictionary as the tiny projections (finger like) of the mucous membrane of the small intestine that function in the absorption of food.  And then I remembered hearing that cell activator had something to do with the villi!

So, cell activator is working on helping my food absorption, right?!

more on this tomorrow….               TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part six)

As I understand it, the simplest way to explain cellular nutrition is that it’s the principle of providing the body with the optimal amount of the appropriate nutrition to each appropriate cell.  Along with the vital need for water (always required), cellular nutrition requires nutrients from all food groups! The countless cells in our bodies demand all groups of nutrients in order to do the many different functions they perform.  And since these functions are vital to healthy survival, the cell becomes the basic source of energy that’s provided towards our sense of health and well-being.  That’s right! In not so many words I just said, “Feed your cells properly!!”

My search for cell activator took me straight here!  I’m now getting the idea that all herbalife health nutrition is designed to accomplish one thing.  Cellular nutrition!  So what does cell activator have to do with cellular nutrition?  I know I’m very close to my answer now!

more on this tomorrow….              TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part five)

Well, here I was, less than a week into my herbalife diet plans, and feeling just great!  So great in fact, that I’m now becoming an avid investigator of all these products I was taking and loving!  You’ll recall I started by looking into cell activator…

Examining information about, and taking, herbalife cell activator was certainly impressive!  I mean, Icertainly know that none of these herbalife health nutrition products are considered to be “cure all” elixirs! Nor are they drugs or medicines, but why was I feeling inexplicably so energetic and well?!

Here’s a thought…  If seventy per cent of all diseases and all doctor visits are related to poor nutrition, then feeling unwell surely has a lot to do with being poorly nourished.  So how did cell activator help with good nourisment?

That was a good question to get an answer to!

more on this tomorrow….              TurboSlim

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