My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part four)

Wanting to find out what the “enhancers” were, I decided to really focus and investigate thoroughly.  I found out the enhancers are a group of pharmaceutical grade herbalife supplements that are designed to provide extra support for the actual weight loss process during herbalife diet plans.

In the advanced program there are five enhancers that come with the diet herbalife program.  They are: Cell Activator, Total Control, Cell-U-Loss, Herbal Concentrate (tea) and a Multivitamin Complex.  Turns out there’s other enhancers too!  Like Snack Defense, Thermo-Bond, Aminogen and Personalized Protein Powder.  You can add these to your herbalife weight loss diet should you choose, and all of them come with what’s called the ultimate program!

As it turns out, cell activator isn’t a prison term at all!  I has something to do with those “villi” and feeding each and every cell in your body!

Now I really wanted to look into these enhancer herbalife supplements one at a time and find out what they’ll do for me.  I decided to start with cell activator.

more on this tomorrow….           TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part three)

What is cell activator..?  Is that a prison term?  And what the heck is “villi”??  Or total control?!  I thought I was going on an herbalife weight loss diet, not on some mystery suspense caper?!

My first encounter with these herbalife supplements had my mind racing and my eyes as big a saucers!  It seemed the advance program I’d chosen had some very colorful characters involved.  I began thinking maybe I should have begun with herbalife quickstart, but too late now, I’ve already begun my journey…

Guess what..?   Turns out these characters were all part of a group known as “the enhancers”!  Scratching my head I thought, “Who are those guys”?!

more on this tomorrow….         TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part two)

After I figured out my body mass index(BMI) and total daily energy expenditure(TDEE), my diet herbalife program had actually begun.  I knew I would have to keep my food intake around two thousand calories or less per day.  I prepared to be a little more disciplined about participating in physical activities too.

When I checked out the all natural meal replacements, to my surprise, I saw that I could do a main meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner within about four to five hundred calories each!  And I only had to choose two of those meals a day.  I could eat whatever I chose for the third meal and still lose weight! That was great!

Then I wanted to check out what each of the herbal dietary supplements were going to do for me, and see what might be expected using them!

more on this tomorrow….        TurboSlim

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My Diet Herbalife Program Experience

Before embarking on my herbalife diet plans, I needed to calculate my diet herbalife program strategy.  I wanted to check out what’s called body mass index.  I heard you could find out what your calorie intake needed to be if you wanted to start losing weight.

I actually found a good body mass index calculator online under health/healthy living at!  My BMI indicated I was well overweight.  Another calculator, the Total Daily Energy Expenditure(TDEE) calculator, that I found in the same place, helped me determine that I needed to take in two thousand calories a day, or less, if I wanted to lose weight.

Now to find out how much is in those low carb meal replacements, and herbal dietary supplements!

more on this tomorrow….             TurboSlim

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My Herbalife Weight Loss Diet Experience

When I finally found the program that was going to work for me, I had to intelligently set my weight loss goals. The goals had to not only help my situation, but they had to be weight loss goals I could reach!

So, I had a serious talk with my doctor.  He advised that it would be very advantageous for me to lose between twenty-five and thirty-five pounds.  “At least twenty-five”, he said.

The herbalife weight loss plan I had picked was called the advanced program.  It came with a protein shake and had enhancers that increased metabolism to help activate the weight loss process and move it along.  My doctor had said he was familiar with herbalife health products and that it would be perfectly safe to use them.

I was excited about getting started.  But first I wanted to check a couple things out…

more on this tomorrow….      TurboSlim

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