A Basic Overview Of Appetite Suppressants

In today’s market, we are practically inundated with numerous dietary aids. They are advertised on television, and they’re present in our local pharmacies. These appetite suppressant products go by many names, however, and they are also referred to as anorexics or anorexigenics. People are probably more familiar with anorexic as a term for any person that deliberately starves themselves of food in order to lose weight. By whatever name, these appetite suppressants do exactly what their name suggests. They are supplements or drugs that cause a person’s appetite to diminish.

Depending on the type of suppressant you’re interested in purchasing, they are available either through a prescription from your doctor, or they can be purchased over the counter. Usually the FDA must approve a drug before it is allowed to be purchased by consumers, but there is a loop hole that certain appetite suppressants use. If the product is made from 100% natural ingredients, the FDA doesn’t need to be involved. Many of the common suppressants have become household names, including the most recent phenomenon, hoodia.

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