Conquering Digestion!

Speaking with a close friend and team member the other day, I discovered what she has been doing as part of her weight loss program.  According to my friend, Christine, the key to her weight program has been deep internal intestinal cleansing.  Of course, I asked her what she meant exactly.

She explained by keeping her intestinal system clean she was promoting complete digestive health.  To her, good metabolism and regularly passing waste has been key to her weight maintenance ability.  And to accomplish this, she swears by the use of aloe vera.  She’s periodically been doing a twenty-one day herbal cleansing program containing aloe, and constantly adding aloe vera juice to her protein shakes.  Staying regular and active has brought her success in conquering her weight loss challenge!

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Still The Best!

Well sometimes when we’re searching for the answer to a new health challenge or condition that somehow has developed, we find ourselves wondering if anyone really knows what we should do.  It’s at times like these that I actually go into my research material and see what the origins of the condition was when it was first discovered and see how people had dealt with it through the years.  After all, there’s very little that’s truly new in terms of health conditions, and sometimes, the old ways of dealing with them are still the best!

Our immune system has a long history of being afflicted over time, and the ancient Chinese had a way to strengthen and protect it.  There is an herb called schizandra, known as the “five flavor berry” that has for centuries been used to make a tonic for the liver and to fortify resistence to fatigue and illness.  I have found it to be very effective because I’ve not suffered catching the colds and viruses I used to before I started using this herbal dietary supplement.  And I’m so grateful for the wellness!

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Small Packages!

The little sea going krill looks like a shrimp but it’s really a giant!  Why? Because it’s loaded with the highest concentration of omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA and is considered to be an inexhaustible source of that cholesterol fighting supplement.
Krill is also found to contain the antioxidant, astaxanthin.  Due to this antioxidant, a additional benefit of taking krill oil supplements is that it fortifies the skin for protection against damage from the sun’s UV rays.  As the old saying goes, big things can come in small packages!

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What Next?!

When you think of it, amazing things often are discovered from coincidence.  After all, the famous stories about immunization and penicillin are truly entertaining and yet turned out to change the way the world did things!  The same sort of thing is happening in the world of omega 3 discoveries.

Omega 3 benefits were actually first tripped upon by some astute scientist noticing that the countries with populations that ate a lot of fish seemed to have much lower cholesterol levels and therefore less heart disease.  But that just started the ball rolling. Because of that happy observation, other sources containing omega 3 benefits, such as krill oil, have been sought out, discovered and utilized.  And because of this, research just keeps going and finding more and more benefits.  Scientist now believe omega 3’s play a part in mood elevation and brain development.  What next?!

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The Health Boost

Many people have contacted me asking what is that supplement that I’m referring to when speaking of heart health, blood pressure, circulatory and cardiovascular health and natural nitric oxide production in the body.  Obviously, this is a popular subject in general health because of its vital nature.  Without heart health, we are very limited in lifestyle.

Dr. Lou Ignarro, with assistance from the herbalife laboratories, developed what’s turned out to be a ground breaking supplement for heart health called Niteworks.  Herbalife Niteworks is specifically formulated to trigger the natural production of nitric oxide in the body.  This in turn stimulates healthy blood circulation and blood flow to the heart which promotes energy and cardiovascular stamina with side benefits to the immune and nervous systems.  The power of such a natural herbal dietary supplement cannot be denied.  Many have not only discovered it, but many are experiencing the boost in their health from it daily!

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