Nothing Like it!

When we’re striving so hard to keep a healthy life style, and being so good about our diet program and physical activity level, there are a few things to bare in mind.  While it’s not “rocket science”, there is a kind of scientific logic to healthy nutrition and exercise.

The basic formula to remember is healthy diet and body hydration plus physical activity plus good rest and recovery equals good health.  For some of us, of course, life is a little more complicated than that, but basically that’s it!  If you can maintain a schedule of optimal health nutrition, disciplined physical activity while sustaining solid body hydration and electrolyte replenishment, and recover well with good rest, you should be on the road to healthy living!  There’s really nothing like how good you’ll feel!

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Chewable Giggles?

You know I got to thinking about that story I told concerning my little sister and her inability to swallow pills and how that led to taking her daily vitamins in liquid form mixed with her juice.  And, just out of curiosity, when I recently visited her, I asked if she still had difficulty taking her multivitamins.  She laughed and said she’d kind of outgrown the problem but only if she really concentrates!

When I asked if she still takes a daily vitamin supplement, she said she has a multivite complex that she just loves and she shares them with her kids because their chewable!  I have to admit, picturing my sister sitting with her little daughter sharing chewable vitamins was a sweet thought that made me giggle!

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The Daily Requirements!

Many people don’t realize this but I’ve known about it all my life.  Some people cannot take pills.  Somehow, when it comes to swallowing pills, there are those who simply have to spit it out or choke!  I’ve known about this condition, not as a medical person but because my sister is one of those people.

Everything she takes, including vitamins and herbal supplements, has to be blended into drinkable form or chewable.  When my little sister was but a child, my mom found liquid vitamins to put in her juice.  And, it just became routine from then on.  At least mom figured exactly how to make sure she got her full daily requirements!

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With Comfort!

Often cutting calories involves cutting certain carbohydrates and leaning more toward protein rich meals.  In fact, the diet herbalife program of my choosing is centered around the best tasting meal replacements that provide optimal cellular nutrition in the form of protein shakes.  The program truly answers the call for healthy weight loss.

When considering this approach however, some people bring up a condition they’ve experienced with the digestion of protein.  Some experience a bloating sensation or gas that can be quite uncomfortable. Because I have had that similar reaction sometimes after a protein rich meal, I had to find a solution for myself. For me, the answer has been to take aminogen.  With it’s digestive enzymes for the breakdown of protein, aminogen supports complete essential amino acids absorption the comfortable way!

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It Does The Trick!

Well if the trick is to cut your intake of calories enough that you burn off a little more than you have stored so you lose weight, then what do you do when the energy level starts to lower and you still have things to do?  This is a question often asked by people who are about to begin a diet program for the first time.  And, that’s a great question!

Granted, the fear of suffering hunger pangs stops many people from starting a diet program, but there are things you can do.  The first important thing to remember is do not crash diet!  Many people lose patience right at the get go and begin starving themselves to get quick results.  Ironically, this will send your metabolism into starvation mode and your body will begin storing fat.  The result, you’ll gain weight!  Remember to stick to your plan and spread meals evenly through the day so you are not eating large amounts of food, then getting big hunger pangs in between.  This will send your body into starvation mode too!  And remember, supplementation of the natural, organic kind can be of great help.  In fact, the dietary supplement I recommend is herbalife total control.  It’s a natural appetite suppressor and energy booster through the use of green, oolong and black tea extracts.  It helps you do the trick!

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