Go With The Winner!

Maybe not needed to be said, if you find yourself looking for lotions and creams that can help reduce damage already done to your skin by the elements, seeking out natural and organic skincare products is by far your best choice.  Natural skincare lotions will not contain parabens, allergens or any harmful chemicals at all.  And if you can find one that has a collagen building complex for renewing the skin, you have a winner!

Your first duty to your skin is to protect it from the sun.  Ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun are the primary cause of damage to our skin.  Exposure to these rays will definitely accelerate skin deterioration and deliver early wrinkles with it.  So don’t forget, a natural anti aging skincare sunscreen is the most important part of an effective skin preserving program!

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Natural And Organic!

Did you know that over half of the skin care products applied to the skin each day are eventually absorbed into the bloodstream?  It’s calculated to add up to over a hundred different chemicals absorbed into the body per day just from skin care products!

Obviously, this accounts for the huge rush to the organic side of the world!  When the value of natural, organic products are realized by an individual, they immediately start focusing on their whole body, not just the outside.  Think about it.  If applications of products to the skin can get inside your body and be damaging, then what you consciously choose to put inside your body can too!  So finding natural, organic skincare products as well as finding natural, organic foods and supplements can greatly benefit your health and your look.  The one supports the other!  My team and I call this kind of holistic program, our herbalife beauty program!

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A Clean Tract Counts!

With its amazing ability to facilitate the deep cleansing of the digestive tract, it’s no wonder that natural aloe vera juice is considered such an all around health aid.  Besides promoting natural colon detoxification, it’s proven to help ease the pain of acid reflux and even to be a key stomach ulcer healer!

People who choose to take aloe vera juice as a supplement for their dietary needs often display healthy weight management with good energy and less overall fatigue.  Many experts agree that all these benefits really are a simple extension of maintaining a clean digestive tract!

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A Fundamental Herb

Approximately eight meters in length and producing a circular shaped, red colored fruit, Schisandra chinesis is simply a woodsy deciduous climbing vine.  It is called Gomishi in Japan, and called Wuweizi in it’s native Northern China where it’s fruit is commonly referred to as the five flavored berry.  It is said the skin and the pulp of the schizandra berry is sweet and sour, whereas the seeds are spicy and bitter while the overall fruit produces a somewhat salty taste!

These berries have long been known as a health elixir as one of the fifty fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine. More recent studies have shown schizandra berries to aid the liver against toxicity and even stimulate regrowth of the liver after partial hepatectomy.  It has further been discovered to safeguard and help heal in cases of viral hepatitis.

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Popular Little Krill!

Omega 3 benefits continue to grow in number with ongoing research.  Without doubt, essential fatty acids DHA and EPA have impacted the knowledge of health supporting supplements and are natural substances in much demand today.  After all, omega 3 fatty acids have shown to substantially reduce the risk of heart disease and thereby cardiac arrest.  Other benefits have shown to be balancing of bloodstream sugar, aiding regulation of blood pressure and even help improve eye health

Till fairly recently, the major source of omega 3 fatty acids was fish oil. Today, krill oil can be counted as possibly the major source for omega 3s.  The small, sea going, shrimp like creature has proven to contain highly dense content of omega 3 fatty acids in its oil as well as antioxidant properties.  The popularity of krill oil is really expanding around the globe.

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