Sustaining While Dieting

Just recently I read that an eight ounce potato, served after being cooked in it’s natural state, has numerous essential nutrients and only one hundred seventy calories.  What immediately comes to mind when considering this?  Obviously that the potato is an excellent meal choice when you’re wanting to control the amount of your calorie intake.

Further, since we know the repeatedly proven approach to weight loss is to control amount of calorie intake for the purpose of allowing our metabolism to burn more fat than we eat, foods that are considered good carbohydrates, like fruits and vegetables, can potentially be excellent sustenance in the form of low carb meal replacements.  Another way to go is to find high protein shakes to replace one or two meals each day when your wanting to manage weight.  Either way, you’re cutting calories yet still getting the nutrients needed to sustain your health while dieting.

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Complete Commitment!

OK, so by now everybody’s heard the phrase “you are what you eat”.  And if it’s true that you are what you eat, then it most logically follows that if you want to change what you are, then you’ll need to change what you eat, right? Absolutely!  Thus the planned diet was born.

While most of us immediately think of dieting as the means to lose weight, there are a lot of reasons people control their diet.  Some people are allergic to certain foods and consequently remove them from their diet.  Some are under a physicians care, or a nutritionist, and have restricted diets due to certain health issues.  Others actually wish to gain weight and therefore focus on high protein food and supplements for the building of lean muscle mass.  And, those on a plan like an herbalife weight loss diet are the ones specifically working toward dropping unwanted pounds.

The important thing to remember here is that no matter what diet plan you need, the control of what’s on your menu is key.  Granted some may be more vital, dire or even more critical than others, but they all require a calculated discipline about what and how much you will eat.  Plus, all diets have other things you must do to support that diet’s health goals.  So plan carefully, do your plan thoroughly and consistently.  No diet plan will work without your complete commitment!

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A Healthy Plan

It’s really important to remember that a diet of any kind is not the only thing one needs to do to lose weight.  Of course, you can lose weight very slowly and/or inconsistently if all you do is diet.  But if you really want to lose weight, make sure to consider all the things you could do to help yourself reach your weight loss goal.

For instance, first and foremost a good and consistent physical activity should be chosen.  Make it one that you know you can do, and will want to continue to do on a scheduled basis.  To start, an every other day work out schedule is good.  As time goes by, and you feel you’re in better shape, you may be inspired to do your physical exercise more frequently.  Be sure to hydrate properly, including a sports energy drink for electrolyte replenishment.  And it’s very important to make sure you get the proper rest each night so your body can recover by the time you exercise again.  Essentially, you will be doing enough physical activity to burn a little bit more calories than you consume on a daily basis.  The main reason I’ve chosen herbalife diet plans is that the meal replacements are formulated with lower carbohydrate, higher protein content.  That combination will help you feel full with lower calorie intake and support high energy needed to sustain your physical activity routine. Put all the above elements together the way you choose, and you too will have a working, healthy weight loss plan!

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The Change-Up

When seeking out meal replacement protein shakes, no doubt it’s best to read labels and check reviews to get information about each and every product you’re considering.  And when checking the reviews, look to see if the shake mix can be blended with fruit or your favorite juice.  You see, this is the best way to keep your diet from becoming stagnant and boring because you can change the flavor at will.

It’s funny, we really are creatures of habit and I can say without hesitation that I do have my list of best tasting meal replacements recipes that I come back to again and again.  So, maybe I’m not the best example of someone who like something different all the time.  But still, even for me, it’s not just the optimal cellular nutrition that keeps me sticking to my diet herbalife program, the change-up in flavors really helps!

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Powering Cells, Losing Weight!

Of course there are always challenges with dieting.  And one of the biggest recurring challenges is to keep your diet varied, not a “same thing every day” diet that will bore you to tears and inspire you to cheat!  I ask you, doesn’t the thought of a diet program in which you can eat you favorite kinds of food and still lose weight sound just great?  Of course it does!

Many people do this everyday while shedding those dreaded, unwanted pounds.  They are participating in a cellular nutrition system which is promoted in a diet herbalife program.  Not only do they have the wonderful choices of different flavored protein shake meal replacements everyday, but they get to eat a meal of their favorite food also!  And all the while they’re reaping the benefits of optimal nutrition and powering their cells while losing weight!

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