Extended Benefits!

Ever since the discovery of the towering benefits of omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, the major focus has been on fish oils as being the best substance from which to get them.  And for the most part, that has proven to be true. However, more recent discoveries had led to the fact that krill oil is even higher in concentration of omega 3 benefits!

Krill, a small, shrimp-like sea going creature, is being harvested from the arctic seas and processed for its omega 3 fatty acid containing oils.  From there, it is being processed into dietary supplements for human daily consumption.  There are claims that Neptune krill oil from the arctic seas is less likely to be contaminated than fish oil and has an extra and powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin, for even more extended omega 3 benefits!

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Studied And Growing!

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies need but cannot make.  Coming from fish oil, they are as the name implies, taken from the tissues of oily fish and are valuable in many aspects of health care.  Fish oil supplements are even recommended for pregnant women since it is known that the DHA in the oil aids in the brain and eye development of the fetus. Omega 3 fish oil comes from the tissues of fatty fish like salmon, tuna, cod and hoki.   It popularly gains a highly respected position as a dietary supplement due to its amazing omega 3 benefits.

Further, fatty acids are emollients, natural moisturizers that, among numerous other things, revitalize dry skin.  Fish oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, helping restore fats lost in the skin, thus eradicating dryness.  Fatty acids are essential for maintaining the integrity of your brain,  being nearly 60 percent fat.  Omega 3 fatty acids provide a far reaching range of benefits that is carefully studied and the list of health advantages from them is growing all the time!

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Quality Of Health Counts!

It’s important to know where to look for the most effective, yet most organic and natural, supplements for your healthy nutrition and dietary needs.  And I believe that a good practice is to try several brands of nutrients until you find the one you actually feel the healthy difference in your body.

The things I’ve found that make huge contributions to my well being I could simply not live without anymore!  I love my protein shake meal replacements that are loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients being delivered at the cellular level.  Guarana energy pills are the most effective, noninvasive energy boosters I’ve ever experienced.  When it comes to heart health maintenance, herbalife niteworks is simply the best cardiovascular support I’ve seen so far.  It’s very important that you care about yourself enough to investigate and discover what works for you.  When you think about it, the quality of your health will have enormous effects on the enjoyment of your life!

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Fine Tuning The Heart

When all is said and done, the plain reason physical activity and workout exercise is important is the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system.  That’s right, just to keep the blood pumping through the veins!  Just think how important blood flow is.  Blood circulation delivers nutrients to the cells and carries away waste.

Ultimately, the goal is to establish and promote an efficient metabolism, not the least part of which is maintaining a healthy circulatory system for heart health.  Making sure you’re on a heart healthy diet is a must together with consistent physical activity.  Heart supplements that promote arterial flexibility and youthfulness with nitric oxide production can be extremely valuable.  Garlic is a great natural circulation booster that not only supports healthy circulation but can aid the maintenance of healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  So when thinking in terms of heart health, think of and do all the needed elements for your own personal cardiovascular fine tuning program!

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Special Signaling Molecule

Nitric oxide, the signaling molecule has been found to dilate, or expand, the veins which, in turn, promotes better blood flow.  In fact, heart patients use nitroglycerin pills placed under the tongue that cause a reaction to produce nitric oxide and relieve acute chest pain.  It therefore follows that as a preventative measure, it can be a very wise choice to find a supplement that increases the natural nitric oxide production in our bodies for healthy heart maintenance.

A known fact is that our bodies produce lower levels of nitric oxide when we are at rest and especially when we are sleeping.  Consequently, at night when we’re sleeping is a target choice as a time to encourage natural bodily production of  NO.  If you are looking for heart healthy supplements of this type, I strongly suggest you look into the work of Dr. Lou Ignarro.

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