Power Blend For Joints!

When all is said and done, we are all of us seeking the fountain of youth.  After all, youth offers adaptability and flexibility where the changes of life are concerned.  But what about flexibility in the very joints of our body?

Interesting question in that it rather points out that youth is flexibility. So seeking youthful healthiness in all categories is probably best, especially when it comes to movement and dexterity.  This is why so many people are using any joint supplements containing glucosamine these days.  Good to remember though, glucosamine is most effective for joint health when taken in combination with antioxidants for healthy aging benefits. When glucosamine hcl is taken in combination with antioxidants like scutellaria baicalensis, it becomes kind of  an advanced power blend for joints!

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Relax And Rest!

More often than not, relief from pain has to do with getting the muscles surrounding the painful area to relax.  This is true not only with cramps, but often with pulls and sprains as well.  Once the muscles relax, they are able to get the proper rest for recuperation. There are so many recurring events in life for both men and women when such relief is needed!

Sometimes women need this aid during their menstruation cycle. And at times, this scenario simply happens when we are recovering from an intense workout or physical activity and we just need the body to rest comfortably to rejuvenate.  For me, that’s when natural, and noninvasive muscle relaxers come into play.  I don’t want to feel “medicated” or jittery, I just want the pain to subside and the muscles to relax enough to get good rest and feel better.  Natural, organic pain relievers like these are not that hard to find if you know where to look!

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Whistle While You Diet!

Found in the Amazon Basin, largely in Brazil, the guarana shrub produces berries that have been used literally for centuries.  Common uses for guarana are the promotion of high energy levels, increased stamina and enhanced mental alertness and focus.

While there is a high content of natural caffeine, and very effective guarana energy pills are formulated from it, guarana has been now been researched to show there is more to it than the typical caffeine energy boost.  Besides increased physical endurance and memory retention, guarana appears to posses natural appetite suppressor properties. Reports have claimed that guarana users feel full after eating less food and have recorded noticeable improvement in mood elevation!  Sounds to me like guarana is the natural way to stay happy and whistle while you diet!

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Keep Moving!

If you check your dictionary you will see that the word electrolyte is defined as “a nonmetallic electric conductor in which current is carried by the movement of ions”.  What does that have to do with us?  Well, electrolytes are absolutely vital for some healthy functions of the human body!

Did you know that both muscle tissue and neurons a considered electric tissues of the body and that muscles and neurons are activated by electrolyte activity?  Guess what!  Without muscles and neurons activation we wouldn’t be able to move!  At least, certainly not well….

Funny how things work isn’t it?  We need electrolytes for physical activity, we need physical activity for healthy metabolism, and physical activity depletes electrolytes through perspiration!  This is a very important part of our cycle of life.  And we cannot do without electrolytes!  So, now you know why electrolyte replenishment is so important.  If you’re being consistent and maintaining a good level of physical activity, you definitely need to drink plenty of water and find a good sports energy drink that will replace electrolytes.  It’s vital to avoiding dehydration, and key to helping you to keep moving!

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Thanks Moms And Dads!

You know, with Mother’s Day just passed and Father’s day coming up I’m put in mind of all the parents out there.  And I want to salute and thank all those of you who are taking the job seriously.  And yes, it’s a real job.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply not being realistic or hasn’t been a parent.

Part of the parenting gig is making sure the little ones are getting the proper nutrition each and every day.  It’s so incredibly important for the young ones in our lives.  The developmental years truly demand the right ingredients for healthy growth.  Please make sure you’ve got a great multivite complex providing all the daily vitamin and mineral requirements for healthy young bodies.  I know that you will, so I just want to say thank you good parents!

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