Keep Yourself Going!

When you’re on the go, a lot of times you can forget to eat.  Sounds kind of silly, but it’s really true. Especially if you’re multitasking and trying to get the daily chores done while accomplishing some overdue errands.  I’m sure we all know exactly what I mean.  Keeping pace in this fast world is no easy task!

I have to admit to a little laziness here, but it’s for a good purpose.  Like everyone else, I’m on the run from the time the alarm goes off till late in the evening and sometimes I’ll look at the clock and realize I haven’t eaten a thing all day!  Being lazy or forgetful about eating is no good!  Especially if you’re trying to lose weight!  We have to eat so as to maintain the high energy level needed to keep our metabolism burning that unwanted fat.  When I’m on a rushed schedule like this, that’s when I turn to my protein shakes.  My low carb meal replacements diet provides the kind I can mix at home as well as the instant one’s I can mix on the road.  They both taste just great and have that good cellular nutrition formula that keeps me going strong!

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The Good, The Bad And The Carbs!

It’s no secret that if you want to cut down on your calorie intake to support weight loss, cutting down on refined carbohydrates will definitely help!  These particular carbohydrates are regularly referred to as “bad” carbs and they carry a lot of fattening calories with them.  They generally come from fast food or things like donuts, etc.

Complex carbohydrates, like those found in pasta or potatoes, if eaten in proper amounts are good for us.  Just make sure your getting these “good” carbs instead of the others.  Sometimes a great way, particularly when you’re weight loss dieting, is to get them from low carb meal replacements.  Protein shakes are a great example of meals formulated to favor protein over the carbohydrate content.  So if you really want to manage your weight, stick with the good and not the bad carbs!

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It’s The Wellness!

There are so many diet plans and programs available on the market today that it’s mind boggling!  How does one choose what’s going to work the best for their personal health and weight loss management goals?  If you’re at all like me, experimenting and trial and error take up a big part of making that decision.

For me, it became a matter of balancing quality nutrition with the best amount of calories for weight management.  Obviously if you’re cutting calories, you’re setting yourself up to lose weight.  However, if you’re cutting calories and feeling weak and tired all the time, you’re not losing weight effectively or healthily.  What led me specifically to my herbalife weight loss diet was it’s cellular nutrition that keeps me not only feeling full, but gave me a real energy boost!  So I didn’t feel run down or fatigued all the time and I was dropping unwanted pounds.  I’ve stuck with this particular program now for a couple of years.  What I’ve experienced is that the weight loss is gradual, not immediate, but the feeling of wellness is quick and through the roof!  Others on my team have experienced more rapid weight loss but that shows how everyone’s body is different.  But the one constant we’ve all experienced is the general sense of  health and well being with great energy!

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Nothing Feels Better!

Thinking of heading to the beach this summer? One thing about going to the beach is there’s always lots fun physical activity there.  And for those who just want to relax, well they can just soak up the sun!  Be careful about that though.  There could be a price to pay if your not using some quality sunscreen!

But if you’re wanting to get that tan, and play in the surf, that means you’re going to be sporting a swimsuit this summer.  Besides a good aloe based sunscreen, you might want to jump into one of the good herbalife diet plans to make sure you’re looking great!  Nothing feels better than being in great shape except seeing others notice what great shape you’re in!

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Good Hunting!

By now everyone knows how important protein is to the sustenance of life.  The amino acids we derive from them are absolutely vital nutrients our body needs for stable metabolism.  So, it makes complete sense that protein shakes are a great form of nutrition.  And when it comes to weight management, protein shakes that are formulated for low carb, low calorie content can be very effective weight loss diet meal replacements.

Since they are such a great choice for dieting, it’s important to find protein shakes that are not only formulated for maximum effect, but that you can enjoy eating.  Such a program would have shakes you could mix with different fruits and juices, and come with great recipes to vary the taste so as to keep the diet from getting boring. These best tasting meal replacements are not at all hard to find if you know where to look.  Good hunting!

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