Youthful Soul Windows

If it’s true you can get away with almost anything in your twenties and that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then you’d have stay looking like your in your twenties to hide your sins!  Unfortunately, you don’t get to stay young forever and bad habits like smoking, unhealthy foods and improper rest eventually start showing, especially around your “soul windows”!

All the anti aging beauty experts agree that by the time you hit your forties, the sun damage to the skin alone can make you look quite a bit older than you really are.  And since the tender area around the eyes is where the first signs of aging usually starts, you may want to find an eye cream that promotes collagen building like herbalife skin activator.  A collagen building glucosamine complex will improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while it hydrates and firms the skin.  It may not put you back in your twenties, but it will help reveal your most youthful looking peepers!

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Wash Face!

Well, it never stops and it’s not going to!  Aging, unfortunately, is a simple fact of nature.  Even if we want to stop it, we really cannot.  But, since there are so many of us who want to know tips about turning back the clock, here’s what I just heard on a radio interview.

A dermatology expert on the radio was saying the very best anti aging skincare is to take your skin seriously just like you would your teeth, nails or hair.  And don’t do like so many which is to cut corners by skipping out on their daily regimen. According to this doctor there is always bi-product the skin produces and pollutants from the air that need to be cleansed away but you shouldn’t stop there.  Gentle exfoliation for the face at least a couple times a week is required for young healthy skin.  Sensitive skin may need to be treated a little easier, oily skin might need a special exfoliator, but all types need to have the pores de-gunked!  The suggestion was made that an electric cleansing brush for daily mechanical exfoliation be used with your favorite face wash!

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A Personal Choice

When considering the quality of life I would choose, many different thoughts come to mind, but no surprise, it always lands on good health.  The old adage seems to be true, without your health, you have nothing.  So all the riches in the world really cannot replace good health because it really is essential to a beautiful life.

Taking care, therefore, takes on a new level of meaning when thinking along these lines.  The questions about what you should and should not do about your personal health care need to be examined and answered personally for yourself.  My team members and I liken that healthy factor of our lives to what makes life truly beautiful.  For us it’s that general wellness and energy level we get from cellular nutrition.  We’ve referred to the spark we get as our herbalife beauty for some time now, and we wouldn’t trade it for the world!

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Touched By An Aloe?!

What a fun little journey I just had!  I’ve been researching the aloe vera plant and aloe vera juice.  I’ve found that it’s not only one of the amazing plants on this planet, but it has some wonderfully colorful legends about it that have been passed on through the centuries.

Some say that Aristotle advised Alexander the Great to conquer the tiny island of Socotra, off the coast of Africa, for the fields and fields of Aloe Vera plants.  Alexander used the aloe plant and it’s juice and gel to help his soldiers heal their wounds.  Others say Cleopatra’s beautiful soft skin was due to her uses of aloe vera.  The ancient Egyptians called aloe vera “The Plant of Immortality”!  American Indians called aloe vera “The Wand of  Heaven”, believing anyone touched by the properties of aloe would be instantly healed.  I wonder if aloe’s where we get the phrase, “touched by an angel”?!

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Strength Of Resistance!

For hunting and gathering tribes in ancient China, Schizandra chinensis was considered a staple food.  This creeping, red berried vine is native to Northern China and eventually became a traditional medicinal herb called wu-wei-tzu. It was primarily used for dry cough, asthma, night sweats and chronic diarrhea.  Schizandra also became known as a tonic for chronic fatigue.

Studies have recently shown Schizandra to be an adaptogen.  Similar to ginseng, it therefore has properties for increasing stamina and fighting fatigue.  Found to contain thirty lignins, not only is Schizandra beneficial in regenerating the liver, but has proven to produce a seventy-six per cent improvement in hepatitis patients.  Schizandra extract is consequently known as a supplement that can increase the body’s natural immune system resistance.

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