Why Krill Oil?

Highly agreed among experts, we all need omega 3 benefits from our diet.  We do not make them in our bodies naturally so we must get them from the food we eat.  The most known source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids is from fish oils.

However, now the most concentrated content of omega 3’s seems to have been found in the shrimp like, sea going krill.  Krill oil is proclaimed to be an in exhaustable source of omega fatty acids because it comes from the largest existing bio-mass in the world.  It would therefore be impossible to run out of it.  Furthermore it has been declared by many experts to be highly superior in content of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, and to contain a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin.  Many users of herbalife supplements are turning to a supplement called tri-shield which is a formulated blend mainly composed of krill oil.

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Can Omega 3’s Help You?

Basically, omega 3 fatty acids cannot be synthesized by our bodies naturally.  We obtain them in our food. The regular sources of food containing omega 3’s are some plant oils like flaxseed or algal oil, and of course, fish oils.  These essential fatty acids are known to be vital for normal metabolism so it’s truly important we get them in our diet.

The list of omega 3 fatty acids continues to grow as researchers keep studying them.  So far these benefits have been found helpful to cardiovascular conditions in humans.  Omega 3 EPA and DHA supplements stimulate blood circulation, aiding in varicose veins, blood clotting and helping reduce blood pressure levels.  Omega 3’s can reduce blood triglyceride levels which may reduce the risk of heart attacks.  It’s been found that healthy amount of fish oil intake may reduce the risk of strokes.  Several studies have indicated a possible preventative effect for breast, colon and prostate cancer.

While the benefit list is growing, there is preliminary evidence that omega 3 EPA is helpful in cases of depression and also evidence these fatty acids can reduce anxiety.  What’s the take away message here?  Make sure you’re getting all your omega 3 benefits!

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Niteworks And Exercise

Looking further into the arginine, nitric oxide connection, studies have shown that they are definitely a connected part of the same process for growth hormone and circulation booster in the body.  It’s been said that agrnine is a precursor to nitric oxide.  Yet, some researches have said that the body has different ways of degrading substances like arginine before the body has a chance to take advantage of them.

Another study found that arginine proved to be most effective when combined with other dietary amino acids like L-citrulline which can be found in herbalife niteworks.  And in another study, arginine by itself did stimulate growth hormone release yet a greater release was detected after exercise.  One would conclude that herbal dietary supplements like niteworks are most effective for nitric oxide and growth hormone production when used in conjunction with exercise programs!

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The Arginine Connection!

Did you know that many athletes, especially body builders, are truly convinced that adding supplements containing arginine to their diet will bring increased strength and enhanced performance?  Why is that?  Well, the ultimate goal is nitric oxide production in the body for blood flow support and taking arginine (or L-arginine) is actually step one!

You see, the supplement one takes is not directly nitric oxide but a supplement of L-arginine which is an amino acid and natural builder of the gas NO (nitric oxide) in the body.  Studies have identified the taking of arginine to be a natural circulation booster for increased blood flow and for the production of human growth hormone.  Small wonder why athletes like it!

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Gas For The Heart!

We know that nitric oxide is naturally found in the body in its gaseous state.  What it does is actually convey information between cells.  It is therefore known as an important cell signaling molecule.  Perhaps the most important aspect to note about nitric oxide is that its main function is dilation of the blood cells thereby increasing healthy blood flow through the circulatory system.

This is why it is often used, both intravenously and orally, for heart patients.  Obviously an increase in the natural production of nitric oxide in the body will increase blood flow to the heart which in turn can aid greatly in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.  Some studies have proven nitric oxide to be key in effective blood pressure lowering as well as maintaining supple and flexible vessels.  In terms of the cardiovascular system, nitric oxide could be thought of as gas for the heart!

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